Awarding the Tender to Supplier from A-Z

Awarding the Tender to Supplier from A-Z

Type of the organisations

  • Tenderer: Any economic operator at the forefront of work in a Tendering Party

  • Tenderer party, or Parties: who has / have submitted his / their tender

    • NB: The Tendering Party may be composed of a single organisation or a grouping of organisations

  • Subcontractor: Organisation that performs parts of the work of a main contractor.

  • Tender: Submission made by a Party, or Parties.

  • Winner: The tendering Party to whom the contract is awarded. NB: A winner may be a single organization or a grouping of organizations

Add tenderer (video)

You add the “Tenderer” organisation to be able to select them later. Bear in mind that if you have a consortium (several suppliers working together under one submission) you will have to add each supplier as a separate Tenderer organisation and joint them later in the form as Tendering parties, the same is valid for subcontractors the only difference is that when adding a subcontractor organisation you will select “Subcontractor” instead of “Tenderer”, but you will also joint them as Tendering parties

The mandatory information is highlighted in red, or make use of my checklist to move from mandatory field to mandatory field


  1. Click Organisations

  2. Click +Add organisation

  3. Select Tenderer as organisation type and fill in all mandatory information, highlighted in red.

Activate the Results menu (video)

In order to be able to select the winning party you must first select that at least one winner has been chosen, by making this selection the system will activate other tabs that are only applicable when awarding the contact to a winner


  1. Click Results on the left side menu

  2. Select ‘At least one winner was chosen’ on field ‘A winner was chosen’



Add tendering party (video)

You add the “Tenderer” to a “Tendering party”, this is the place to show if it the “Tenderer” is on his own or in a consortium or have a subcontractor, the example below is a Tenderer alone


  1. Click Tendering parties on the left side menu

  2. Click +Add tendering parties

  3. Select the winning tenderer(s) on the field ‘Tendering party members’, and fill any relevant information

  4. Click Close

Add tendering party with consortium and subcontractor (video)

The example below is of a consortium with two Tenderers and a subcontractor, all these organisations have been previously created on the ‘Organisations’ -tab


If any of the dropdowns show No options then there is no organisation added that meets the organisation type for that field. e.g., I added a subcontractor as a Tenderer, when I get to step 6, for a subcontractor, I won’t be able to make a selection because the dropdown will be empty, so I must edit the organisation type from the subcontractor from tenderer to subcontractor.


  1. Click Tendering parties on the left side menu

  2. Click +Add tendering parties

For a consortium

  1. Select the winning Tenderers on the field ‘Tendering party members’,

  2. Select the Group leader

For a Subcontractor

  1. Select the winning Tenderer(s) on the field ‘Tendering party members’,

  2. Select the Group leader (if selecting multiple Tenderers)

  3. Click +Add subcontractor

  4. Select the subcontractor on the field 'Subcontractor'

  5. Click Close

Add Tender (video)

You add a “Tender” to the form, and select within the “Tender” the “Tendering party” who submitted.

While “Tendering party identifier reference” is a required field, you must also give use the “Tender identifier”, otherwise the Tender won’t be shown in the contract’s dropdown


  1. Click Tenders on the left side menu

  2. Click +Add tender

  3. Fill in the ‘Tender identifier’ and select the tenderer who submitted the tender on field ‘Tendering party identifier reference’, and fill any relevant information

Add Contract (video)

You add a contract and select the winning “Tender”


  1. Click Contracts on the left side menu

  2. Click +Add contract

  3. Select the tender(s) being awarded on field ‘Tenders’, and fill any relevant information


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