Add subcontractor to the result announcement
In this support article, you will find the steps to add a subcontractor to the result announcement.
Note: In the Notice editor, a subcontractor refers to an organization that carries out parts of the work for a main contractor.
To add a subcontractor:
While in the Result form:
Click on Organizations in the left menu.
Click + Add Organization.
Select Subcontractor from the ORGANIZATION TYPE options.
Fill in the required information marked with *.
Click Back to Organizations after filling in all required fields. The entered information is automatically saved. You should then see the subcontractor added to the list of Organizations.
Click on Participating parties in the left menu.
Click + Add bidder.
Select the bidder(s) (at least 1) under the field Team members participating party.
Click + Add bidder.
Click + Add subcontractor.
Select the subcontractor under the field Subcontractor (OPT-301).
The entered information is automatically saved.