Publication waiting time on Tenderned (and TED)

Publication waiting time on Tenderned (and TED)

In this support article, you will learn how long it takes for the publication to be visible on Tenderned, TED, and Mercell Source-To-Contract.


Note: Please note that approval for publication on TED may take longer processing time and could be published on TED later than 48 hours.

Publication Waiting Time

Due to a change in the publication order of a tender on TenderNed, please consider the following regarding scheduling:

A publication will first be sent to TenderNed and then forwarded to TED. With an interval of up to 48 hours, the publication will be published on TenderNed and Mercell Source-to-Contract.

As the lead buyer, you will receive a notification once the tender is published on Mercell Source-to-Contract.


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