Feedback and Warnings
This support article provides insight into reading the feedback/warnings in the eForms.
Please note: Keep in mind that this is a general example and not a complete list of all possible warnings. The forms contain fields that require specific input. Additionally, it's important to know that a required field may depend on other fields in the form, and the feedback depends on previously chosen fields.
Warnings in an eForm field:
Example: The expected format is an amount like 1234.56
The input in the field is invalid, the expected input is numeric instead of text.
Warning based on previously filled fields
Example: If for a specific lot, "Maximum number of candidates to be invited for the second stage of the procedure" (BT-51) is set, "The criteria for selecting candidates to be invited for the second stage of the procedure" (BT-40) for at least one of the Selection criteria (BG-702) of the lots (forms 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24) must be yes.
In this case, there is a correlation between field BT-51 in the Second stage (Procedure) and a field in the subsection Selection criteria (Participation), specifically field BT-40.
You have two options: either include a selection criterion and select Yes in field BT-40 (See image below). Or (Text continues below the image)
Change the current selection in the subsection Second stage, where the field BT-51 is located.