Changes can be made in two ways in a current tender. This can be done through Concepts.
This concept allows changes to be made in places where this was previously not possible. Consider changes in planning, properties and content. All changes made to the concept are not immediately visible to the providers.
This button can only be used in a phase when the providers are completing and submitting their quotation.
Create Concept
Create a draft via Properties in the left menu. Click the Create Draft button and navigate to the spot in the menu where you want to apply a change.
Create a concept in a place where changes are required in the tender. For example, go to the contents of the Quotation and click on the pencil next to a questionnaire, the Create Concept button will appear.
If you click on the button, the Concept can be recognized by the yellow bar that appears at the top of the tender. After the changes have been made, click Publish at the top right of the yellow bar. The old tender is overwritten with the new data.
Providers are not notified of this.
When the tender has been published on Published Tenders, a new .zip file will immediately become available to providers. New providers always see the latest version, the old version remains available.