Create and manage template

Create and manage template

To create or modify a template in Mercell Source-to-Contract, you must have the appropriate permissions. The organization administrator can grant these rights within User rights in the Organization settings.

Create and manage templates

  1. Go to Organization settings at the bottom left of the screen.

  2. And then click on Tender management.

  3. Here you choose Templates.



By clicking on the template type, you will see the available templates and can edit them. You can also add new templates here via Add. After saving a template, your colleagues can use the modified template.

In this article, we explain the following templates in more detail.

To inform

  1. Click Messages to view and edit all message templates.

  2. In the list of messages, click on the message you want to edit and adjust the text.

Invitation provider

  1. Click Provider Invitations to view and edit all templates.

  2. In the list of messages, click on the message you want to edit and adjust the text.



  1. Open the schedule you want to edit.

  2. Then there are several elements that you can adjust.


Add Event

  1. Click Add Event and choose from three options: Vault Opening, Price Review, or Event.

  2. Then enter a date and time. You always set this in relation to an already added date or the start date of the tender.


Customize event

You can also adjust events that have already been added in the schedule.


Add Round

In addition to events, you can also add full rounds. Consider a selection phase and quotation phase. Click on the three dots next to Planning and choose Add round.


Bulk Adjustments

If the schedule is full of dates, you can also adjust these in bulk. Choose the three dots next to Add event and select Bulk adjustments.

You can then adjust multiple dates and times in one go.




  1. Click Questionnaires to view and edit all templates.

  2. Choose the template you want to customize by clicking on it.

  3. You can change the names and descriptions via Edit and the pencil icon. Open a question group to adjust specific items. Choose Add to add question groups.

  4. In a question group you can adjust questions individually, rewrite texts, or add new questions.

***For example, choose the pencil icon next to a question to adjust the text, change a linked document or supplement it with other documents (via Upload). Save confirms the operation.

  1. After you save your edit, the new template will be live for everyone to use.


Rating scales

  1. Click Rating Scales to view and edit all templates.

  2. Here you change existing rating scales or add new ones via Add.

  3. When creating an assessment scale, you enter a name, choose the type of scale and set the options with score and any explanation.


Assessment and Award

Within Assessment and Awarding you draw up standard documents that you share after assessing the tender. Open Assessment and Award to view and edit the list of templates.

  1. Open a template and you'll see the text drawn up for it.

  2. Change the name or description at the top of the page.

  3. Choose Change under Content to adjust the text.


Adjust content

You can adjust the content of the document in the word processor. Here you write the text and set your formatting.



Within the word processor you can choose from various placeholders that automatically load data from the tender. Consider information about the tender, the assessors and results of the assessment.


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