Publish a market consultation (EU)

Publish a market consultation (EU)

There is no official publication form available for a market consultation. This article explains how you can still publish a market consultation. 


To publish a market consultation

  1. Open the tender of your market consultation.

  2. Go to the overview on the right and select Publish.

  3. Select from the properties whether you want bidders to be able to register or not.

  4. Then go to Publication platforms.

  5. Click on Add and start a F01 - Advance Order.

  6. Complete the preceding questions and under Market Consultation, indicate with Yes that this is a market consultation.

  7. Continue completing the form up to Validate and Publish.

  8. Check all content and click Submit.

  9. In the Publication tab you can follow the status of the publication towards TenderNed and/or TED at the location where you created the form.



Make sure that the tender is also published on Mercell Source-to-Contract, including the registration button. This is not the standard procedure when publishing an F01 form.

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