Reports (Tendering)
Tendering Admin
This article applies only to the module Tendering.
Statistical report
You can view statistics for your own procurement unit (Excel report in quantitative format)
number of published tenders by procurement type (small procurements, national procurement notices, EU procurements and EU advance and post-announcements)
the number of completed tenders by procurement type
tenders by procurement type (procurement types of the system)
completed tenders by type of procurement
received offers
offers per completed race
familiar with the offers
those familiar with the offers per race
All information is detailed:
Content of the report
The report lists procurements according to the publication date
Duration of acquisitions
You can view statistics for your own procurement unit (Excel report in quantitative format)
Acquisition identifier
The name of the procurement
Procurement procedure
Publication date
Procurement decision
Duration (announcement publication date - acquisition decision date (days))
Content of the report
Open procedure:
National procurement notification
EU procurement notice
EU procurement notification, special sectors
EU direct procurement
Special subcontracting, below the EU threshold
Social services and other special services - procurement contracts - procurement notification
License Agreement Notice
Direct procurement
EU - dynamic procurement system
National dynamic procurement notification
Social services and other special services - procurement contracts - Procurement notice (DPS)
Limited procedure:
Internal bidding (created on the basis of the procurement unit's own DPS or a shared one)
Mini competition
Procurement announcements where the procedure is limited
Expedited Limited Procedure
Limited procedure
Negotiation procedure:
Procurement notices made as a negotiation procedure
Negotiation procedure
Accelerated negotiation procedure
A negotiation procedure involving a tender
Negotiation procedure without tendering