Tendering Admin
This article applies only to the module Tendering.
Bulletins can be used to prepare and modify the organization's internal bulletins.
Add a new bulletin
You can create a new bulletin from the "Add new notification" section.
Define the ‘Type’ of release and the 'Publication targets’
If you choose: General current bulletin
The release can be published on the following channels, where it appears under the "Current" heading
Supplier Portal
Tendering system, license users
Tendering system, small procurement users
If you choose: Future Procurement
The release can be published in the procurement calendar and Supplier Portal and appears under the heading "Future procurements".
Define the dates
Date of notification (date on which the release is dated)
Valid from (date and time)
Valid until (date and time)
Title and text content
For each language, its own text content is defined, which are displayed according to the language selection of the user interface.
In addition to Finnish, bulletins can be prepared in Swedish, Danish and English
If necessary, define attachment files for the bulletin
Save or Save and Publish
You can save the bulletin without publishing it by selecting "Save"
Save and publish the announcement by selecting "Save and publish"
After the selection, the announcement goes to the status "Published”
In-progress, Published and Archived
The bulletins are displayed on different tabs depending on the mode they are in
'In progress' announcements - Unpublished announcements
‘Published’ announcements - Current announcements
‘Archived’ announcements - The deadline for the release has expired
NOTE! An earlier announcement can be used as the basis for a new announcement with the "Make a new announcement based on this" function.