

Tendering Admin

This article applies only to the module Tendering.

Bulletins can be used to prepare and modify the organization's internal bulletins.

Add a new bulletin

You can create a new bulletin from the "Add new notification" section.


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Define the ‘Type’ of release and the 'Publication targets’

  • If you choose: General current bulletin

    • The release can be published on the following channels, where it appears under the "Current" heading

      • Supplier Portal

      • Tendering system, license users

      • Tendering system, small procurement users

  • If you choose: Future Procurement

    • The release can be published in the procurement calendar and Supplier Portal and appears under the heading "Future procurements".

Define the dates

  • Date of notification (date on which the release is dated)

  • Valid from (date and time)

  • Valid until (date and time)

Title and text content

  • For each language, its own text content is defined, which are displayed according to the language selection of the user interface.

  • In addition to Finnish, bulletins can be prepared in Swedish, Danish and English


  • If necessary, define attachment files for the bulletin

Save or Save and Publish

  • You can save the bulletin without publishing it by selecting "Save"

  • Save and publish the announcement by selecting "Save and publish"

    • After the selection, the announcement goes to the status "Published


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 In-progress, Published and Archived

 The bulletins are displayed on different tabs depending on the mode they are in

  • 'In progress' announcements - Unpublished announcements

  • Published’ announcements - Current announcements

  • Archived’ announcements - The deadline for the release has expired


NOTE! An earlier announcement can be used as the basis for a new announcement with the "Make a new announcement based on this" function.