Cloudia User Management deployment

Cloudia User Management deployment

Cloudia Tender Service introduces User Management

Moving to Cloudia User Management increases the security and transparency of user data in your organisation

Note: The following instruction applies to the contact person/main administrator of a Tender Service organisation

Transferring organisational data to User Management

The main user of the organisation's quotation service logs in to the quotation service and a help window opens containing the following three steps:

  1. Check your organisation's details and your own user data

  2. Click "Confirm" to transfer the data to the User Manager

  3. Then log in via the "Log in to Cloudia" button

Click on "Go to Confirm".


On the "Confirm Data" tab, where the user first confirms the Organisation's data in Cloudia Network. The Cloudia Network data are taken from public registers. Even if the phone number/email is missing from the data, the confirmation can still be done.


The next step is to check the organisation's details entered in the Tender Service. Once the information has been checked, click on the "Confirm" button


Organization information is confirmed and sent to Cloudia User Management -> Select Yes

The user IDs are then transferred to the User Manager

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Note: The organisation must be transferred to User Management before the transfer of users is possible.

Transferring users to User Manager

Once the organisation's data has been exported to User Management, each user must transfer his or her own account to it. The user will receive a notification when logging in, allowing them to complete this process.

Confirmation and transfer of data is done via the "Confirm user data" button

Note: After confirming your details, you will be logged out of the offer service and redirected to Cloudia User Management. You will be prompted to change your password using the "Forgot Password" function. You will receive an email with a link to change your password.



Note: This instruction is for organisations that already has existing organisation in User Management

Connecting organistaion to exsisting User Managament unit

If your organisation is already found in User Management, please contact our Support to connect Supplier Portal to it.


Note: In these cases, contact via email tuki@cloudia.fi


Note: This instruction is for users that already has existing user in User Management

Transferring user to User Managament is not possible isnce it is already there

If your user is already found in User Management, you need to delete one of the users. Please contact support for further assist.


Note: In these cases, contact via email tuki@cloudia.fi



Note: This instruction is for users that already has existing user in User Management

Adding new users to User Management

The contact person logs in to the Tender Service and goes to the "Users" tab in User Management:


Add basic information to user and after that from “roles” tab add “Supplier Portal - Admin” role.



Note: Users needs to have Suppleir Portal role to gain access there!