Assessment and Award

Assessment and Award

The Assessment and Award template type includes several types of messages.

These are the following:

  • Judgement

  • Award advice

  • Award decision

  • No award

  • Disqualification

  • Public award notice

  • Judgement

  • Invite assessors


Dear [[RecipientFirstName]],

You are invited to assess the tender [[TenderName]].

Click on the link below to log in and complete your review.

After logging in, you will see a Libra icon at the top of the dark blue bar.

Click here to view your open tasks.

You can then click on the correct tender to open a new screen. You can assess all questions here.

You can save your answers at any time by clicking Save at the bottom right.

Yours sincerely,
[[SenderFirstName]] [[SenderLastName]]


Official report of opening

 The registration period for the purchasing process [[TenderName]] with number [[TenderNumber]] has closed on [[DateTimeSubmissionEnds]].

On [[DateOpeningOffers]] [[LeadBuyerName]] opened the registrations.

Entries submitted after the closing date, [[DateTimeSubmissionEnds]], will not be included in the procedure.

Registrations received:

Registration prices:

Created by [[LeadBuyerName]] on [[DateTimeNow]]


Award Advice


Award advice: [[TenderNumber]] [[TenderName]]


The quotation request [[TenderName]] has taken place and several quotations have been submitted.
Additional questions have been asked by several participating suppliers of the request for quotation. These questions have been answered by all suppliers. Ultimately, quotes were received before the designated date of [[DateTimeSubmissionEnds]]. Below is the overview:


  1. First selection

The quotations received were first tested against the requirements included in the quotation request with regard to the supplier and the assignment. Below is an overview of the disqualified party(s):


The other suppliers met all requirements.

  1. Judgement

The quotations have been assessed by:


  1. Result


  1. Award advice

Based on the assessment, the following offer has been identified as the best:


This supplier offers the best price/performance ratio.

Award Letter


Award notice [[TenderNumber]] [[TenderName]]

Dear [[SupplierContactPersonGender]] [[SupplierContactPersonLastName]],

Your company has registered and participated in the tender [[TenderName]].

Your quotation has been assessed and checked for the requirements and wishes as described in the tender.

The outcome of the above assessment procedure is that XXXXX awards the contract to your company.

Below you will find a table with your detailed score.

Your price: [[SupplierOwnPriceBasic]]

Your Quality Score [[SupplierOwnQualityScoreDetailed]]

We thank you very much for the interest shown and efforts made and look forward to good cooperation.

Yours sincerely,


Rejection Letter

Rejection message [[TenderNumber]] [[TenderName]]


Dear [[SupplierContactPersonGender]] [[SupplierContactPersonLastName]],

Your company has registered and participated in the tender [[TenderName]].

Your quotation has been assessed and checked for the requirements and wishes as described in the tender. The contract will not be awarded to you. Your quotation ended at position [[SupplierOwnRank]] .

The contract is awarded to [[WinnerOrganizationNames]].

Below you will find a table with your quality scores compared to the awarded party.


We thank you very much for the interest shown and efforts made.

Yours sincerely,



Disqualification [[TenderNumber]] [[TenderName]]


Dear [[SupplierContactPersonGender]] [[SupplierContactPersonLastName]] ,

Your company has registered and participated in the tender [[TenderNumber]] [[TenderName]].

Your quotation has been checked for the requirements and wishes as described in the tender. Due to the achievement of one or more KOs, we have decided not to process your submission.

The contract is awarded to [[WinnerOrganizationNames]]

We thank you very much for the interest shown and efforts made.

Yours sincerely,


Public award notice

(no template available yet)


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