Assessment and Award
Assessment and Award
The Rating and Award template type covers multiple message types. These are the following:
- Rating
- Award recommendation
- Award decision
- No award
- Disqualification
- Public award notice
Minutes of opening
The registration period of the purchase process [[TenderName]] with number [[TenderNumber]] is closed on [[DateTimeSubmissionEnds]].
On [[DateOpeningOffers]] [[LeadBuyerName]] opened the offers.
Offers submitted after the closing date, [[DateTimeSubmissionEnds]], will not be included in the procedure.
Offers received:
Offer prices:
Formatted by [[LeadBuyerName]] on [[DateTimeNow]]
Award recommendation
Award recommendation: [[TenderNumber]] [[TenderName]]
1. Offers
The quotation request [[TenderName]] has taken place and several offers have been submitted.
Further questions have been asked by several participating suppliers of the request for quotation. These questions have been answered to all suppliers. Eventually, offers were received before the date of [[DateTimeSubmissionEnds]]. Below the overview:
2. Initial selection
The offers received were first checked against the requirements of the supplier and the order included in the request for quotation. An overview of the disqualified lot(s) is given below:
The other suppliers met all the requirements.
3. Review
The offers have been reviewed by:
4. Result
5. Award recommendation
Based on the assessment, the following offer is the best:
This supplier offers the best price/performance ratio.
Award letter
Award message [[TenderNumber]] [[TenderName]]
Dear [[SupplierContactPersonGender]] [[SupplierContactPersonLastName]],
Your company has registered for and participated in the solicitation [[TenderNumber]] [[TenderName]].
Your solicitation has been assessed and checked against the requirements and wishes as described in the solicitation. The outcome of the above evaluation procedure is that <Name Organization> will award the contract to your company.
Below you will find a table with your detailed score.
Your price: [[SupplierOwnPriceBasic]]
Your quality score:
We thank you very much for your interest and efforts and look forward to a good cooperation.
Kind regards,
<Name your organization>
Rejection letter
Award message [[TenderNumber]] [[TenderName]]
Best [[SupplierContactPersonGender]] [[SupplierContactPersonLastName]] ,
Your company has registered for and participated in the solicitation [[TenderNumber]] [[TenderName]] .
Your solicitation has been assessed and checked against the requirements and wishes as described in the solicitation. The contract will not be awarded to you. Your solicitation has ended on location
Below is a table with your quality scores relative to the awarded lot.
Thank you very much for your interest and efforts.
Kind regards,
<Name your organization>
Award message [[TenderNumber]] [[TenderName]]
Dear [[SupplierContactPersonGender]] [[SupplierContactPersonLastName]],
Your company has registered for and participated in the solicitation [[TenderName]].
Your solicitation has been checked on the requirements and wishes as described in the tender.
Unfortunately, we have to inform you that your offer does not meet the requirements. Your offer has not been included in the further evaluation.
Nevertheless, I would like to thank you for your interest and efforts.
Kind regards,
<Name your organization>