Internal release notes 2023 - Sprint 123 (Source-to-Contract)
The history of the internal release notes can be found here.
Sprint 123 (January 5th 2022)
BPM - Tooltips & Inline help text
The BPM module is a very advanced tool which our BPM Managers (Consultants) use to define either national or customer specific tender logic. There is no documentation on BPM features and settings, which lead to broken BPM on Live environment.
The stakeholders interviews identified as a quick win and the first thing to do “online help”, so that BPM managers could instantly get an info on a feature, section or concrete BPM setting.
Inside a BPM process features and sections received the icon and tooltip text.
Since the BPM settings keep the most sophisticated logic, the explanation is shown as inline help, and the option to expand it if the text is too big.
TM - Traceability of sent messages
Buyers want to be sure that suppliers were notified about certain things in tenders and to see what the content of this notification is. This way they can make sure the suppliers received a notification.
In the “Messages” tab, buyers can click a toggle to view the sent system messages. The notifications are shown for all newly created tenders after January 6th 2023 (the live release date). In older tenders, we show an i icon to inform the users.
In tender, in Messages click on “Show system messages”. The sent messages are shown in chronological between the regular messages. We decided to show it this way instead of a new tab so the buyer/ supplier can view the messages in this chronological order.
Just like normal messages, the buyer can see to whom the messages were sent.
When opening the message, we show the same notification similar as to how users receive it in their email.
TM - Internal events
Buyers will have in general two types of schedules, one for suppliers and one for internal use. Internal events are events that are part of the general planning, but buyers do not (always) want to share this with suppliers.
With this new feature, buyers can share their whole schedule with their co-workers through Source-to-Contract.
We added the possibility to enable internal events. When enabled, the titles of the tabs will change to Internal schedule and Supplier view. Within the Internal schedule, it’s possible to add Internal events. Those will only be added to the Internal schedule and are therefore not visible to suppliers.
In the BPM (under Features), it’s possible to set whether you want only external events, or internal and External events as default. There is also the possibility to lock this setting, so it can’t be changed in the tender.
When it’s not locked, users will always be able to change this in the tender by clicking on the three-dots.
Small changes
In this release, the following small changes have been implemented:
TM - Users are able to select which sections they want to export from the Tender Protocol.
TM - Users can now format the placeholders in templates, which will have the same format when used in the tender.
Bug Fixes
In this release, 37 bugs have been resolved. Please find below a list of the noteworthy bugs: