Internal release notes 2023 - Sprint 125 (Source-to-Contract)

Internal release notes 2023 - Sprint 125 (Source-to-Contract)

The history of the internal release notes can be found here.


Sprint 125 (February 15th 2023)

Tender Bin


Currently deleting a tender is an irreversible action and all data is deleted permanently. Also, a tender can’t be deleted after it has reached a certain state. The tender bin is introduced to resolve both issues.


In the Tenders List (main Tender page) a button is added on the top right to access the Bin. A user can no longer delete a tender straight away: it will always be moved to the bin first. From the bin, the user can restore their own tenders but they can not permanently delete tenders them. This action can only be performed by admins.


For all buyers, a button is added on the top right of the screen to access. The visibility of binned tenders works with the same permissions as the visibility in the tenders list.

It will from now on take 2 steps to permanently remove a tender:

  • Step 1: Move the tender to the bin. This option is now added in the 3 dot menu of each tender. An in-app notification is sent to all team members and participating suppliers.

    • If there is not published and there are no suppliers in the tender, the tender is removed from the tenders list and is moved to the bin.


    • If the tender however is published, or there are suppliers in the tender, the user will see a dialog where he can enter the reason for removing the tender. This dialog will be visible when suppliers open the in-app notification, or when they open a direct URL to the published tender page of this tender. The tender itself can no longer be found via the published tender page, but the direct URL remains accessible.


    • As long as the tender is in the bin, all notifications and actions are disabled so no progress can be made in the tender. Also, all data will be excluded from all reports.

  • Step 2: Restore, or permanently delete the tender. When accessing the bin, there’s a grey bar indicating that only Admins can permanently delete tenders. Buyers can however restore tenders themselves, if they had proper permissions in that tender. In the overview it’s also indicated who removed the tender and when.

    • Per tender in the bin there’s a 3 dot menu to View, Restore or Delete the tender forever.


    • When opening the tender, the Restore functionality is also accessible from the yellow bar.

    • When a tender is Restored, the tender is put back into the Tenders list in a Paused state, so that the buyer is able to adjust the schedule before resuming the tender again.

    • When a tender is Permanently deleted, a confirmation pop-up is shown. After confirming, the tender and all data will be deleted. Important detail is that from now on, any tender can be deleted permanently regardless of the state. This means that also tenders with actual offers can be deleted.

      • In this version, it will NOT be possible to delete Dynamic Purchasing Systems, Qualification Systems and Framework Agreements. This will be added in a future release.

    • When any user tries to open a permanently deleted tender through a direct URL, a general Error 403 “Resources not found“ will be shown.



Users Export


  • Due to system limitations, the organization administrators want to be able to export all employees from S2C and perform some filtering, grouping and user analysis outside the system.

  • Some organizations have a policy to block users who haven’t logged in to the system for more than 3 months

  • A helpful tool for smaller buying organizations and municipalities which create collaborations to buy together (e.g. ISNV, Bizob etc.)


  • Export to Excel (XLSX) format is what we start with

  • The content of this XLSX should include as much user-related security information as possible

  • Since this initial version is aimed at organization admins, it should include organization-related user information

  • Information about the user and their participation in tenders is not part of this initial version but may be extended


  • Export of ALL user is available from the Colleagues page via dedicated export button next to INVITE

  • The export is instantly generated, there is no scheduled task to be executed later

  • The result is an Excel (XLSX) file with several tabs in it:

    • All colleagues

      • Lists all employees sorted by status: Active, Pending invitation, Pending access request, Locked, Inactive

      • Shows if the user has a License or BPM license

      • Lists all the User rights groups in which the user is part of

        • This initial version of export doesn’t include Portal groups - there is a pending work from the Portal team to be done first. Expect to be ready and integrated in couple of sprints

    • Organization permissions

      • Show each employee and organization permissions given to them (e.g. Manage organization profile, Manage licenses, etc.)

    • BPM permissions

      • Show each employee and BPM permissions given to them (e.g. View BPM, Manage BPM etc.)

    • Tender permissions

      • Show each employee and Tender permissions given to them (e.g. Create tender, Manage all tenders as a lead buyer etc.)

    • System permissions

      • Only visible for Mercell system organization

      • Show each employee and system permissions given to them (e.g. View system log, Manage tender assistant, etc.)

    • Pending registration

      • Show two types of invitations - Pending invitation and Pending access request (if any)

      • Show invitation specific data such as: when the invitation was sent, when was accepted, is expired, and if the invited person will automatically join a specific user rights group



User groups


  • Easy access control for groups of users (e.g. departments/teams/decisions) in an organization for specific elements in S2C, such as tenders, templates, BPMs.

  • Sharing Tender folders and tenders with User groups, which members can VIEW tenders.

  • A gap for all REPs


  • Organize the employees in a way that gives admins options to quickly give access to specific scope - tender, folder, BPM, templates

  • The implementation of the User groups functionality is split in 3:

    1. Create & manage the user groups AND assigning them to Tenders OR Folders - currently implemented

    2. Assign user groups to BPMS - coming soon

    3. Assign user groups to Requirements templates and Question templates - coming soon


Create and Manage user groups

  • Two new security permissions are introduced

    • View user groups

    • Create user groups - required in order to create or manage User Groups

  • User groups - a new left-hand menu item added just below Licenses


    Onboarding is done with Whatfix, which shows the “New” label and guides the user when the first time user groups are accessed

  • Create a new user group
    Simply click “+ New user group” and follow the steps

    Give the new group a name

    Add members to the group

    On mouseover the bin icon appears, so the employee can be removed from the list

  • Manage the user group

    • Once created the person in right may manage the group name, members or delete the group

  • Delete the user group

    • It’s possible from the list of the groups via 3-dots menu option “Delete”


Assign user groups to Tenders

  • Adding a user group to a tender is possible only via the Viewers role

    • The “Add colleague” card is upgraded to “Add Colleague/User group”

  • There is a new tab-menu called “User Groups” inside the “Add new” card which lists all available user groups

    On mouseover the group you will see the list of the users

    Added group - show the name and the number of employees in this group.

    Click the group to see all employees in this group OR to remove the group from the tender


Assign user groups to Folders

  • It’s possible to assign the user group to the folder with multiple tenders

  • There is a new button “Share folder” when the user open the folder content

    The “Share folders” will open the user groups selector

    The content of the shared folder will be available to all users from the added user groups. There is an indication if the folder is shared with one or more user groups.

    Click the link after the “Shared with:” to open the user groups selector and modify the access if needed


Small changes

In this release, the following small changes have been implemented:

  • CM - No more ‘error’ when a user hits ‘cancel’ before completing a new contract

  • CM - Added validation on the maximum number of characters instead of simply cutting it off

  • CM - Added outcome of formula field: Currency

Bug Fixes

In this release, 32 bugs have been resolved. Please find below a list of the noteworthy bugs:

  • 56673 - Full tender ZIP export - Some files are missing

  • 56309 - Scroll issues - Product list, evaluators list, other lists

  • 56364 - User can not accept an invitation to join organization

  • 56585 - Multi-lot - Cannot delete lot

  • 56094 - Tender protocol - 404 error on saving changes in awarding section


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