Internal release notes 2023 - Sprint 130 (Source-to-Contract)
The history of the internal release notes can be found here.
Sprint 130
TM - eForms iteration 4
This is another step towards the full implementation of eForms.
In this update (that will not be visible until October) we implemented publications, rectifications, and the available forms as a follow-up.
Publishing a form will be possible by clicking the three-dot icon for forms.
Rectifying published forms will be possible only after the publication form is fully published (on TED). If that’s the case, the user can click on the three-dot icon and click Create change notice.
The choices of follow-up forms will be dependent on the initial form. After the publication of the initial form, only specific follow-up forms can be created to prevent failure.
TM - Evaluation & Awarding Templates for specific Usergroups
Currently, Evaluation & Awarding Templates can be used by all users within an organization. For larger organizations, this is a problem, since department A is not allowed to use templates from department B for example. Or the list of templates becomes too big which makes it very unclear which templates you’re supposed to use.
We can already assign User groups to requirements templates and now with additional functionality to assign User Groups to Evaluation & Awarding Templates we help buyers in saving time and reducing the chance of making mistakes when working in a tender.
The workflow is very much consistent with the already implemented Assign-a-usergroup-to scope.
In Organization profile > Modules > Templates > Evaluation and Awarding there are two options to assign a template to a group:
On mouseover, the ASSIGN button appears
From the 3-dots menu > Assign item
In both cases the system will open the commonly used window to select the usergroup(s).
The assigned group will appear in the column Assigned to.
TM - Internal approval event
The current approval functionality allows users to ask for approval before progressing in the tender. For example: The approver needs to approve the Requirements before the buyer is able to publish the tender.
What we’ve learned is that some organizations would like to add an approval event that is not directly related to any of our phases in the tender module. It is a step in their internal flow, but they need a place to save the approvals.
We’ve added a new type of approval, next to the ones we already have. It’s called an Internal event. It works similarly to the other approval events, except that the tender flow is not blocked if there is no approval.
Upon creation of a new approval event, the user has a new option to pick from called Internal event.
Other than with the other events, the user has to fill out the Subject of approval. This field is mandatory. There are no other changes in the following steps of this flow.
After creation, an email and in-app notification are sent directly to the approvers. The event is also added to the Internal schedule, ordered on the due date.
The approver can click on the button Approve/Reject (in the Schedule menu) which appears on hover.
This will lead him to the Purple overlay that works similarly to existing approval events. The approver can also Approve/Reject from the “My tasks” menu. He will be led to the same purple overlay. The purple overlay provides more information about the approval event and provides the possibility to Approve or Reject.
If the due date is passed, and the event is not fully approved, the date in the schedule becomes pink. If the event is fully approved, the checkbox becomes checked and green.
Please note that:
There is no limit to the number of internal approval events;
We do not show a yellow bar on top of every page as we do with other approval events;
A user cannot create an approval event in a previous round.
Small changes
In this release, the following small changes have been implemented:
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Bug Fixes
In this release, XXX bugs have been resolved. Please find below a list of the noteworthy bugs:
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