Add a user to my organisation

Add a user to my organisation

This is a brief step-by-step guide to adding a user to your organisation.

Note: It is required for your user to have the role ‘Organisation administrator’ in order to add users to your organisation.

To Create a new user as an organisation administrator.

  1. Click the settings icon in the navigation menu to the left.

  2. Click ‘User management’ under general settings

    step 2.png

  3. Click ‘Add user’

    step 3.png

  4. Type a name in ‘First name’ and in ‘Last name’, provide an email address in the ‘Email’ field, and click Save.

    step 4.png


  5. Click ‘Roles’ when the user has been created to make sure the new user has the correct rights in the platform

    step 5.png

  6. Click ‘Edit’ to edit the roles the user has.

    step 6.png


  7. Select the roles the user should have and press ‘Save’.

    step 7.png

The person you have added to your organisation will now receive an email with an invitation to your organisation that looks like the screenshot below.

Invitation mail.png


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