Basic roles available for all organisations

Basic roles available for all organisations

There are 3 roles that are available for all organisations:

  1. User

  2. Basic User

  3. Organisation administrator



The “User” is only used when a user self sign-up from app.mercell.com. They only get access to log in and see their own user profile. They do not have access to any buy or supply side content of an organisation and they are not able to submit a bid as an example.
The user should be approved by an organisation administrator and get the “Basic user” role at a minimum to be considered part of the organisation.


Basic user

This is a role all users that all users affiliated with an organsation should have. This means you have access to all common functionality like your user profile and you have all the permissions that allow you to submit a bid to a tender and the Q & A functionality as a supplier.

It also contains all the permissions of the supplier subscription so together with a supplier subscription this allows the user to act as a supplier customer. This means access to Monitoring profile and Search.


Organisation administrator

This role provides the exact same as a “Basic user” and, on top of that, access to the administration of the organisation and its users.

This means that with this role, you can edit the organisation settings. You are able to manage subscriptions on the organisation.

You can also edit all the organisation's users, administer subscriptions that each user has access to, and copy monitoring profiles from one user to another in the organisation.

At least one user in each organisation should have this role. It is not possible to remove this role from the last person in an organisation, in order to remove the last person in an organisation the organisation has to be deleted.