Request and tender submission

Request and tender submission

Depending on the active procedure, the tenderer has the opportunity to submit a request or offer.

Requests and offers are submitted via the named tab. Below you will find the tender material with the option of retrieving marked with blue buttons. Once the tenderer has retrieved, read the tender documents and, if necessary, answered templates, it is possible to submit the documents and answers requested by the contracting entity. Tenderers must use the green buttons to open online forms or submission function for attached documents.

If the contracting entity forces a minimum and / or maximum number of documents attached, the tenderer will be informed of this and the completion of the request. Offers are only accepted in compliance with the contractor's requirements.

When answering forms, the contracting entity also has the opportunity to set requirements for the bidder's reply per. field, and also the completion of the request, respectively. Offers are only accepted in compliance with the contractor's requirements.

Replies and attachments can be updated until the deadline, but will be retrievable after the deadline.

When the tenderer has prepared, entered and / or submitted a complete request or a complete offer, the tenderer must sign and complete the request or the offer respectively.

Note that conclusion of request or offer is required and the contracting entity has only access to and the opportunity to review concluded requests and offers respectively after expiry of the deadline.

Also note that requests or offers can be updated after conclusion and until the expiration of the deadline. Tenderer should just be aware of repeating the conclusion process after submitting an update.

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