Access to specific purchase on dynamic purchasing system

Access to specific purchase on dynamic purchasing system

After being qualified on a dynamic purchasing system (DPS), the economic operator has an overview of the various specific purchases that have been created on the DPS. These specific purchases can be found under the Sub procedures and specific purchases tab.



You can access the various mini tenders and specific purchases under your tender registrations, but to get the full overview of all mini tenders and specific purchases, you must be on the relevant dynamic procurement system to be able to see the Sub procedures and specific purchases tab.

You will find specific purchases under the relevant dynamic purchasing system that you can access or sign up for, as well as what state you are in.


What does this mean for you as an economic operator?


This state appears when a specific purchase has been published and the pre-qualified economic operator has received an invitation to participate in the specific purchase.

In the same way, it will say "Approved" when you, as an economic operator, have already accessed and looked in to the specific purchase in question.


Awaiting approval

Depending on the specific purchase, this state may appear. This happens in procedures where the contracting authority manually invites to procedures and the economic operator subscribes to the mini tender or specific purchase, but the economic operator's e-mail or domain is not in one of the invitations.


This state is empty when a mini tender or specific purchase was created and published before the economic operator was approved under the dynamic purchasing system.



“Go to”

You have already subscribed to the mini tender or specific purchase.


You have not yet subscribed to the mini tender or specific purchase and the deadline has not yet passed.



You have won or received an award letter for the mini tender or specific purchase.

You have been rejected or received a rejection letter for the relevant mini tender or specific purchase.


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