How to Submit a Tender

How to Submit a Tender

This guide presumes you know how to upload your documents to your tender bid.


  1. To submit your tender you just need to be on the Tender Submission tab and then click the “Sign and conclude” button in the top right part of our site

  2. Here you have 2 options, signing with a certificate or signing with a signing code, which is sent to your email address. If you have a certificate installed you will be prompted to choose a certificate and if you choose the one from ETHICS you can scroll to the bottom and click sign with certificate.

    If you choose to sign using email verification you will be presented with an option to request a signing code.


  3. When you have requested a signing code you will receive an email with a 6 digit signing code, which you can copy and past into the text field just to the right of the signing code request button.


  4. Once you have typed or inserted the 6 digit code into the text field you simply have to click “Sign“



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