Participating in tenders
Once logged into your account, please follow the steps below to participate in public tenders:
Click on “CTM Published Tenders” link from the left side of your Welcome page, that leads you to our public tenders' page.
Use the search filters at the top to refine your search (more details about the filters are explained below).
When you find the tender that you need, click on its name to view the notice details.
Click on Accept button on the notice to express interest in the tender, after doing so the tender will be on your account.
After expression of interest you can access tender documents by clicking on “Access Documents” link on tender response page.
Information about search filters:
Change the box that says Local to All to see all active tenders, not just in your chosen country or contracting authority.
Change the text filter box according to the information you insert into the keyword box, e.g. if you insert the ID number of the tender into the “keyword” box then change the text filter box to “Quote/Tender ID”
Click More Options link to see more search filter options.
To search with the name of the contracting authority that published the tender, click into the Buyers/Authorities filter box (opens when you click on More Options link), select the buyer you need and then click on the Search button to see all their active tenders below.
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