Mercell CTM quick video guides
General System Areas:
Departments and Workspaces
This covers a simple overview of what Workspaces are in the system and how they work from a USER perspective (NOTE creation and management is in the Admin section above):
Departments & Workspaces - 5 minutes
Login & Home Screen
This covers a simple overview of the Login Area and Home Screen including all on-screen links and areas typically for new users to become familiar with:
Login & Home Screen - 9 minutes
Supplier Portal
This covers the Supplier Portal including an overview, tender searching and how to participate and respond to a tender. This video is aimed for suppliers and can be sent to them to view:
Supplier Portal Overview - 17 minutes
Administration Areas:
Company Administration Area (part 1) – Company Information and Buyer Profiles
This covers the Administration area from the Home Screen and the two sections Company Information and Buyer Profiles. These are important to populate correctly as information held here will pre-populate other areas of the system and determine email notifications etc:
Admin - Company Administration Area (part 1) - Company Information and Buyer Profiles - 6 minutes
Company Administration Area (part 3) – Questionnaire Templates
This covers how to create your own common SQ or similar style questionnaire in the Administration area so you can save them as a template allowing other users to easily drop them into their tender projects when required:
Admin - Company Administration Area (part 3) - Questionnaire Templates - 8 minutes
Creating & Managing system Users
This covers the creation, setup, management and deletion of system users:
Admin - Creating and Managing Users - 12 minutes
Creating / Overview of Departments and Workspaces
This covers how to create new Department Workspaces and how the users are assigned to their relevant team or area:
Admin - Creating and Overview of Departments & Workspaces - 8 minutes
Custom Checklists with Approvals (WITHOUT Tasks)
This covers how an Administrator can tailor their workflow checklists, create new checklists to work with the existing procurement process and create bespoke milestone or approval points in the checklist. NOTE; this version is WITHOUT using the Tasks function which is covered in the next video IF required:
Admin - Custom Checklists and Approval Points (with Tasks) - 13 minutes
Custom Checklists with Approvals (WITH Tasks)
This covers how an Administrator can tailor their workflow checklists, create new checklists to work with the existing procurement process and create bespoke milestone or approval points in the checklist. NOTE; this version involves using the Tasks area and how Task Templates can be created then applied to the Approval Points for greater control and Audit. The video above covers a similar process but WITHOUT Tasks IF required:
Admin - Custom Checklists and Approval Points (without Tasks) - 8 minutes
Supplier Tender Access Conditions
This covers how to set up and manage the ability to force supplier to agree to some kind of NDA or Confidentiality statement, creating a workflow barrier which sits between them Expressing Interest in a tender and them accessing the Tender Documents and Response area:
Admin - Supplier Tender Access Conditions (NDA Template) - 8 minutes
eTendering Areas:
Tender Creation Overview – FTS
This covers how a user creates a full FTS Open tender form start to finish including a short overview of what the supplier sees and how they respond:
Tender Creation Overview - FTS - 28 minutes
Tender Creation Overview (part 1)
This covers the above FTS video but split to show only the creation and supplier portion:
Tender Creation Overview Part 1 - FTS - 24 minutes (creating tender and supplier responding)
Tender Creation Overview (part 2)
This covers the above FTS video but split to show on the buyer reviewing responses / bids:
Tender Creation Overview Part 2 - FTS - 4 minutes (reviewing supplier responses)
Add extra STEPS / STAGES to a tender project
This covers how a user can add further Steps / Stages to a tender that is either being created or already live:
Add extra Steps / Stages to a tender project - 7 minutes
Responding to Bids / Opening Process
This covers how a user, assigned as part of an Opening Committee, can officially OPEN a tender project as per an audited Opening Ceremony process:
Responding to Bids / Opening Process - 7 minutes
Quick Quotes / RFQ’s
This covers how to run a simple price-only Quick Quote / RFQ in the system typically mirroring a common sub £20k style ‘3 prices back from suppliers’ scenario:
Quick Quotes (general version) - 8 minutes
Searching and Managing Suppliers
This covers how a user can search for suppliers in the system and options of how to attach them into tender projects or competitions including pre-registering or inviting suppliers:
Searching & Managing Suppliers - 9 minutes
Questionnaires – Step by step creating
This covers how the user can create and attach any style of questionnaire such as an SQ or qualifying questionnaire (NOTE not complex Evaluation style) to a tender project. Also covers how to draw from a library of pre-created questionnaires that may be stored in the system by the Administrator:
Questionnaires - Creating and Benefits - 10 minutes
Questionnaires – Importing from XL or Word
This covers how to create questionnaires, as above, but rather by importing from XL or Word instead of creating each question one by one.
Questionnaires - Importing from XL or Word - 14 minutes
e-Evaluation – Part 1 Setup (basic version)
This covers the setup of a single-person evaluation process including creation of the evaluation scoring and settings from the checklist mid-tender creation. This is to achieve an end result of one evaluator who would enter the scores and comments when evaluating.
Basic evaluation part 1 – 5 minutes
e-Evaluation – Part 2 (basic version)
This covers the process of the single-person evaluator evaluating supplier bid responses, entering scores, adding comments and how the user works through the process to the end result.
Basic evaluation part 2 – 7 minutes
Advanced e-Evaluation – Part 1 - Setup
This covers the process of setting up a team evaluation (multiple evaluators), from the creation of questions and weightings through to publishing the tender opportunity
Advanced Evaluation part 1 – 6 minutes
Advanced e-Evaluation – Part 2 - Evaluating
This covers the process of logging is as an evaluating, reviewing documents/answers and assigning scores to supplier responses
Advanced Evaluation part 1 – 6 minutes
Advanced e-Evaluation – Part 3 - Finalising
This covers the process of reviewing evaluators scores/comments and assigning the consensus scoring to supplier responses. You will also see how reports can be obtained post evaluation.
Advanced Evaluation part 1 – 5 minutes
Document Drag & Drop
This covers how a user can easily attach documents to a tender using the ‘Drag & Drop’ function for ease and to copy entire folder structures mirroring a typical ‘Windows Desktop’ style view:
Document Drag & Drop - 4 minutes
Contract Management Areas:
Overview and Creating
This covers a general overview of the Contract Management area along with how to create a contract record.
Contract Management - Overview and Creating - 23 minutes
Adding suppliers to contracts
This covers a simple overview of how to add a supplier to a contract record either from one that has been created and is awaiting a supplier to be attached to it, or adding a supplier to contracts following a bulk import of your current contracts register.