Evaluate Offers (being invited as an Evaluator)
A lead buyer can assign certain elements from a questionnaire to project members. These project members then compare the offers and can then give a score. This results in a total score per offer.
Evaluating Offers
When the lead buyer has invited you as evaluator, you will receive an email in your email inbox. This email contains a link that takes you to a login page. Log in here with your account details.
After you have logged in, in your Overview you will see My Tasks on the top left.
If you have clicked on My Tasks, you will see all solicitations for which you can begin evaluating. Click on the title of the solicitation to start reviewing.
A popup will open. On the left side of this screen you will see all elements that have been assigned to you. The first step is always reading the instruction where you can find information about the item to be evaluated. Next you will see all the questions you need to evaluate. You have to save each question separately. You will see a green check mark appear behind the question title, which means that the question has been saved. After going through all questions you will see the message "Ready! You have completed your review. You can now "close" this screen.
Important Takeaways
An evaluator therefore does not have to search within a solicitation where he or she has to evaluate. Via My Tasks you will be led directly to the right place.
In order to be able to use the above features, the solicitation must be using an Advanced questionnaire.