Tender with lots

Tender with lots

You are a participant in a tender with one or more lots, each lot contains a questionnaire for you to complete. You can submit for the lot or lots that are relevant to you.

Answering questions in a lot

When you open the tender from your overview you will see a different listing in the left menu than in a regular tender, for example you will not see "Question & Answer", you will see this once you have opened a plot. In the left menu you can click on Lots start page or Submit, in both you will find the lot overview.


The overview contains a standard 'lot' named General with optional created lots underneath. For example:


  • General

  • Lot 1

  • Lot 2 

  • Lot 3

  • ... Etc.


Open a lot from the lot overview and in the left menu navigate to Offer (note that the buyer may rename it) with the red block 'Not submitted'. There you will find a questionnaire to complete.


Submit lots

If you have finished answering questions in a lot you can select the lot or lots relevant to you in the left menu under Submit and submit using the Submit Selection button. The lot General is standard preselected.

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