No longer receiving new invitations from a DPS
You are a participating provider in a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) or Marketplace and regularly receive invitations for orders.
If you (temporarily) no longer wish to receive new invitations, you can stop this by revoking your submission.
To stop receiving new invitations
Login to and find the DPS or Marketplace from your overview.
Navigate to Offer in the left menu where there is a green block "Submitted". (Note that the purchaser can customize the system name Offer).
At the bottom right you will see the Recall button, click on it.
Your submission has been successfully withdrawn and you will no longer receive new invitations. Resubmit again if you do want to receive invitations again.
Note: If recalling the submission fails then your submission is locked. You will then see a system message to contact the buyer to release your submission so you can still recall. In this case, contact the buyer directly via the messaging module on the left menu in the DPS.