Applying the digital UEA (EU)

Applying the digital UEA (EU)

Setting up the digital UEA as a buyer.

  1. Go (together with your administrator) to Organization, choose Change and check whether under the option Type of organization the checkbox is ticked with Activate UEA in combination with Public purchaser. 

  2. Open your tender and open the Questionnaires tab.

  3. Click on (or create) the desired questionnaire that the digital UEA will be part of.

  4. Open the questionnaire and click on Add and choose Digital UEA as question type.

  5. Click on the blue Start digital UEA button. A new tab will open with the web interface of the Uniform European Tender Document.

  6. Indicate that you are a contracting authority or entity and go through all the steps up to 'Done'.

  7. Click on Overview and check the entire form. Is everything correct? Then choose Save. 

  8. You will be returned to Mercell Source-to-Contract where the form is ready to use. You will then see here in green Digital UEA completed. If you aborted early, UEA is not ready.

  9. In the text field, first enter a general instruction for the provider.

  10. Then choose the appropriate evaluation method. As with Document Evaluation or Open Question, you need to evaluate the registrants' responses. To do this, set an evaluation method. Then click Save to finalize and save the question. 



The pdf file you see is for your own records only. The registrant will not see this. The registrant will see a blue Start button to fill out the UEA digitally. Curious how a provider fills out the UEA digitally? Then look here. 

Part 2 of the old 'PDF' UEA, automatically added in the digital UEA when providers complete it.

If you want to change the question type from the old version to the new digital UEA in an ongoing tender, the versions previously uploaded by the supplier will be removed. 




Still receive the digital UEA with a wet signature?

Then instruct the suppliers to download the form as a PDF after completing the UEA. They can then print it out, sign it, upload it and submit it again in this way. Do include an extra question about this in the questionnaire with the question type Document Evaluation. Because with the Digital UEA question type there is no possibility of uploading a document separately. 




A tenderer wishes to tender as a combination?

When a tenderer has completed and saved the form, there is a button with which he can add multiple digital UEAs. In this way they can easily fill in an extra digital UEA for each consortium member.

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