Pre-soft upgrade
The pre-soft upgrade phase is used to identify the functional fit (and therefore GAPs) between S2C and the customers in the respective countries. Product will support the local REP specialist on identifying the minimum market entry requirements. Together with the customer success team the segmentation of all customers will be done in the following Pre award buyerside segmentation sheet. Minimum requirements will be discussed with the product team. Product team will prioritize the functional requirements and subsequently work on delivering the required functionalities. All minimum requirements are processed in the Roadmap on Jira. Product will update the local team on a 3-weekly basis about changes and progress.
During this phase the platform will also be set up in order to upgrade the customers. An overview of one-off and ongoing tasks can be found in the Tasks and timeline sheet.
Once the functional gaps are identified and the platform is set up by the local standards we will proceed to the soft upgrade phase.
Soft upgrade
The soft upgrade phase is used to build trust and confidence in working with the platform. During this phase all stakeholders from the local team will be trained. More details can be found in the Roll-out planning.
Part of building trust and confidence is to upgrade 3 to 5 customers. These customers don’t necessarily need a 100% product fit. The goal of upgrading a couple of customers is to learn from the process and test whether there are any other functional gaps. Collect best practices for creating marketing material (also supply side) that can be used to proceed to the hard upgrade phase.
This phase will end once we internally feel sufficient trust and confidence in working with the platform and marketing material for the hard upgrade is in place. To test if there is sufficient trust and confidence in the local team we will present a knowledge test to the local teams. All participant of the training need to pass this test.
Hard upgrade
Once the soft upgrade phase has been finalized we will proceed to the hard upgrade phase. During this phase all customers with a functional fit (see segmentation) will be upgraded. We currently see the following hard upgrade options but will adjust based on learnings:
Basic customers: Inform customers via a formal letter signed by the country manager that they will be upgraded in a certain timeframe. Organize a standard training in a selected timeframe to train customers. Create an organization account with basic configuration. Upgrade option is free of charge
Intermediate customers: Inform customers they will be upgraded in a certain timeframe or let them book a timeframe. Offer a standard training for the customer only. Standard implementation. Upgrade option is not free of charge
Advanced customers: Inform customers that they will be upgraded in a certain timeframe or let them book a timeframe. Offer customized training and implementation. Upgrade option is not free of charge.
More about training and implementation in paragraph ‘’Implementation and training’’.
Post upgrade
Software improvement suggestions
Freshdesk will no longer be used for sharing software improvement suggestions, from now on we will use this form to send in a new suggestion. Please check this board first to see if your suggestion is not already submitted. We will improve the form, so when you enter a summary it will search in the existing suggestions.