Implementation and training

Implementation and training

Part of the upgrade process is a solid implementation and training in order to Successfully upgrade customers. As mentioned before we’ve identified different types of customers with different types of needs when it comes to implementation and training. In the below table we mention the different types of implementation and training packages we offer:



Basic package

Standard package 

Advanced package

Templates for requirements




Templates for standard messages and documents such as awarding results

Standard templates

Standard templates

Tailored templates

Templates for evaluation scales

Standard templates

Standard templates

Tailored templates

Basic training 


Standard training

Tailored training

Admin training


Standard training

Tailored training





Capacity versus planned upgrades

To keep track of the capacity versus planned upgrades all upgrades will be included in the Capacity versus planned upgrades sheet. Consultancy will include a customer to the sheet once the customer success team agrees with the customer on the upgrade. A maximum number of slots will be opened for each month based on the capacity of consultancy/customer success. The consultancy team will keep track of the progress by updating the status per customer.

*Ideally this process will become part of HubSpot. Research will be done by the G2M manager. 

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