Asking for a price

Asking for a price


This article only applies to Sourcing

Price demand can be defined as a default choice for the entire sub-area (group), from which it is possible to deviate per object, or as a mandatory choice for the entire sub-area (group).

The default in this view is "Price is requested for the objects and it will affect the benchmark price", and you can change the default selection in the section "Asking the price"


The default selection for the sub-area (group) items

  • The method of asking the price can be pre-defined at the sub-area items (group) level. This means that a choice is defined for the sub-area items (group), according to which the price is asked for each object. If you wish, you can deviate from this choice for a certain object. 

    • The price demand choice can be made from three options. This selection will be automatically defined for each item added to the section, but it can be changed for each item individually

      • Price is requested for the objects and it will affect the benchmark price

      • Price is requested for the objects but it will not affect the benchmark price

      • Price is not requested for the items

  • A comparison price can also be created at once for the entire sub-area (group). In this case, the price demand is selected from the “selection made for the sub-area”.

    • The price demand can be selected from two options that apply to the entire sub-area (group). In this case, it is not possible to choose a different option for asking the price for a single item. 

      • Sub-area benchmark price will be calculated with a formula

      • Sub-area price is requested using a price attachment

Asking Price.png


Price demand per object

Under the Objects section you can:

  • Create an item 

  • Add the quantity to be purchased (you can also leave it blank, in which case the system will process 1 piece)

  • Add unit information (in which format the bidder gives the price)

See article  creation of procurement items


The price request can be made from five options. The initial selection is selected according to the default selection of the sub-area (group), but it can be changed for each item. 

  1. Price is requested for the item and it will affect the benchmark price

    • The price is asked as a unit price and the system automatically multiplies the unit price by the quantity to be purchased (if the quantity is defined) and calculates the total price to the bidder's reference price. 

  2. Price is requested for the item, the benchmark price will be calculated with a formula

    • A reference price is created for the object using a self-built formula

  3. Price is requested for the item using a price attachment

    • The total price for the item is asked and an attachment is requested    

      • The system processes the attachment as price information, i.e. in the double envelope procedure mentioned in the procedure section. Theattachment is only opened during the price comparison phase. 

      • The bidder's input form has a price demand field and a download attachment button

        • The total price is entered in the price field, which is not multiplied by the quantity to be purchased, but the amount is included in the comparison price as it is

  4. Price is requested for the item but it will not affect the benchmark price

    • The price is asked as a unit price and the system automatically calculates it with the quantity to be purchased. However, this price is not included in the bidder's comparison price in the comparison table. 

    • The selection is used when the object is an option product for which you want to know the price, but you do not want the price to affect the bidder's comparison price 

  5. Price is not requested for the item

    • There is no price demand field for the item on the bidder's input form

      • The item becomes the title for the item's criteria

    • The selection can be used if you want to ask questions about the object, but not the price

      • NOTE! Can be used, for example, with an object whose selection is based on qualitative criteria


Object Price requested.png

  1. Price is requested for the item and it will affect the benchmark price

  • A price demand field is automatically created for the bidder to fill in, where the bidder enters the unit price. 

Object price and bidder A.png
The image shows the definition of the object and how the object looks on the bidder's input form


  1. Price is requested for the item, the benchmark price will be calculated with a formula

  • Give the price formula a name that appears on the bidder's input form

  • Prepare the formula used to calculate prices

Object Price B.png
A name is given to the item's price formula and numerical criteria are created below it, which are used in the formation of the price formula
  • Create a price formula from the "Modify price formula" link. The formula can use:

    • numbers (fixed value)

      • Enter the number in the "Add a fixed value" field and click + to add the value to the formula

    • plus, minus, multiplication or division (Add an operator)

    • Add brackets

    • Quantity to procure

      • Add the item's quantity to be purchased to the formula under "Quantity to procure"

  • The parts added to the formula always come after the formula 

    • If you want to add a part in the middle of the formula, click on the previous part of the formula, which will be highlighted in blue

      • The new section to be added comes after the active one

  • You can clear the formula by clicking "Clear the formula"

    • If you want to clear one part of the formula, click here. part of the formula to make it active and then "Remove the selected element from the formula"


Screenshot 2024-10-30 105229.png


Objecy price and bidder B.png
With the bidder’s form, it is possible for the bidder to calculate the reference price for him from the "Calculate price" section. 


  1. Price is requested for the item using a price attachment

  • Enter a name for the price attachment that will be visible to the bidder. in the download section of the attachment

    • NOTE! Here you should write instructions for both the attachment to be downloaded and the price to be entered


Object price and bidder C.png
The bidder’s view shows both the price demand field and the attachment file download link. 
  1. Price is requested for the item but it will not affect the benchmark price

  • A price demand field is automatically created for the bidder to fill in, where the bidder enters the unit price. 

  • The price entered in the field does not affect the comparison price

Object price and bidder D.png
When the price does not affect the reference price, the bidder receives a price demand field and additional information that the price does not affect the reference price.
  1. Price is not requested for the item

  • There is no price demand field for the item on the bidder's input form

Object price and bidder E.png
The procurement object for which the price is not asked appears as a title on the bidder's input form


Price demand for the entire sub-area

When the price selection is made for the entire sub-area (group), the price is not asked for the individual object separately, but the price is determined from the formula or the total price created for the sub-area (group). However, items can be prepared for adjusting the criteria. 



Whole Sub-area pricing.png
In the example above, the price is asked for a sub-area, but the item has been used as a subheading for the criteria. 


The benchmark price of the sub-area (group) is calculated using the formula

  • When asking for the price of a sub-area (group), select the option "The sub-area benchmark price will be calculated with a formula”"

  • Define the price formula name that will be displayed on the input form

    • Here, you should clearly tell the tenderer that the price to be kept is the total price (naming the field) 

  • NOTE! In this option, the price formula is not formed


subarea benchmark price formula.png

TIP: When asking for the total price for a sub-area (group), you should give the bidder good instructions on what to write in the field

  • Prepare the criteria used in the price formula for the general criteria

  • Create a price formula from the "Modify price formula" link. The formula can use:

    • numbers (fixed value)

      • Enter the number in the "Add a fixed value" field and click + to add the value to the formula

    • plus, minus, multiplication or division (Add an operator)

    • Add brackets

    • Quantity to procure

      • Add the item's quantity to be purchased to the formula under "Quantity to procure"

  • The parts added to the formula always come after the formula 

    • If you want to add a part in the middle of the formula, click on the previous part of the formula, which will be highlighted in blue

      • The new section to be added comes after the active one

  • You can clear the formula by clicking "Clear the formula"

    • If you want to clear one part of the formula, first select which part of the formula you want to clear and then click the red cross labelled "Remove the selected element from the formula"


Whole Sub-area price formula.png
The criteria used in the sub-area's common price formula are asked in the section "general criteria of the sub-area". The picture also shows the bidder's input form. 

Sub-area price is requested using a price attachment

  • The total price for the sub-area is asked and an attachment is requested    

    • The system processes the attachment as price information, i.e. in the double-envelope procedure mentioned in the procedure tab. The attachment is only opened during the price comparison phase. 

    • The bidder's input form has a price demand field and a download attachment button

      • The total price is entered in the price field, which is not multiplied by the quantity to be purchased. However, the amount is included in the comparison price as is.

Price request as an attachment.png