Sourcing item (Advanced RFx)

Sourcing item (Advanced RFx)


This article only applies to Sourcing

The information mentioned below is entered on the "Sourcing item" tab. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

  • Sourcing event name*

    • Enter a short and concise name tag that describes the purchase. This name will be visible to tenderers in the Supplier Portal

  • Sourcing process

    • Choose a process for the purchase. This could be:

      • RFQ (request for quotation)

      • RFP (request for proposal) or

      • RFI (request for information)

  • Sourcing event identification

    • The sourcing event identifier is a unique identifier for the procurement. This identifier is displayed to tenderers in the Supplier Portal and in the request PDF

  • Sourcing event description * 

    • Enter a description for the purchase, which appears in the Supplier Portal and in the request PDF.

  • Validity of the procurement contract

    • This is will appear in the request PDF

  • Estimated value or price range of the purchase (excluding VAT) * 

    • This is will appear in the request PDF

  • Will the predicted value or price range be published * 

  • Does the tenderer have to accept the terms and conditions

    • If “Yes” is selected, the tenderer must accept the terms and conditions written before they can view the details of the request and submit a response

  • Possible option information

    • If “Yes” is selected, more details about the additional sourcng opportunities can be entered in the fields below. An initial period for the additional contracts can also be entered


Sourcing item A.png


  • Place of performance

    • Select a place of performance by clicking ‘Select NUTS code’. This will help potential suppliers to find your request by the place of performance

  • The main CPV code

    • Select the relevant CPV that will help potential suppliers to find your request using the CPV code.


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