This article applies only to the module Tendering.
In Mercell Tendering & Bidding, you can store already created notices as "templates". Templates can be used either within one's own procurement unit, or they can be distributed to all or only selected procurement units if desired.
You can find your own templates in the "Templates" folder
Shared templates can be found in the "Shared templates" folder
Copy the announcement as a template
Select the folder from which you are applying for tenders
Select the competition you want from the list in the folder by clicking on it
The system moves to the information page of the announcement
In the functions menu on the right, select "Copy as template"
By clicking the "Copy as template" option, you can create a new template from the notification. The selection brings to the screen the form used to create the template, in which you enter:
The name of the template
Description of the template
We choose to whom the template will be distributed
Attachment files can be attached to the template
NOTE! attachment files appear on the front page of the template, not the template attachments and links inside the template.
IMAGE: Editing information for the template, mandatory information is the name and description
Do you want to create your own template or a shared template?
Not shared
You only make a template for your own procurement unit
Distributed to all procurement units
You make a template that is distributed to all procurement units
Distributed to selected procurement units
You select the procurement units to which you want to distribute the template with the "Select procurement units" button
Search (1) or select the procurement unit from the list to which you want to distribute the tender request with the ">" (2) button, or select all at once (3). After this, a box also opens on the right (with the title: Procurement units to which the document has been distributed)
The selected procurement units are shown in the list on the right. If you want to remove a procurement unit from the list, select it from the list on the right and return to the "Found procurement units" list by clicking the transfer button
When the procurement unit has moved to the right-most box, press the pop-up window on the upper right corner
The view returns to the "Copy as template" view (the same one that was selected for the selected procurement units)
Click save and the system will notify you that the save was successful
IMAGE: Choose to whom the template will be distributed, you can search for the procurement unit by entering part of the procurement unit's name in the text field
Use the template as the basis for a new announcement
Templates can be found in the "My templates" or "Shared templates" notification folders. Select the folder and below it the template that you want to view or use as the basis for a new notification.
Own templates
All information of the template can be viewed
All information in the template can be modified
The name, description, visibility and files of the template can be modified
An internal discussion related to the template can be held
The template can also be removed
Shared templates
The folder view lists the header information of all shared templates, as well as the latest shared templates
The template information can be viewed by clicking on one of the template information from either list
From the menu button in the "Latest shared templates" list, you can copy the template directly to your own templates or view the template in PDF format
When a template is selected from the list, you can:
View template documents
Have a public discussion
Open the announcement in PDF/HTML format
Starts making a new announcement based on the model
Copy the template as your own template