Use the checklist

Use the checklist

This article provides a comprehensive guide on utilizing My Checklist feature. Designed to assist you in accurately completing the form and efficiently navigating through relevant sections, this feature can be accessed during the form-filling process or at the end. Once all mandatory fields have been accurately filled out, you can proceed to validate the form.


Note: The Checklist feature can be utilized either on a per-section basis or for the entire form. By default, the system displays errors or incomplete fields for the entire form. However, you have the option to switch and view only the errors per section by using the slide button labeled ShowSectionErrors located at the beginning of the My Checklist interface.

To use My Checklist: After opening the form

  1. Click CheckList, which will open a menu on the right side of the screen.

  2. Select any action from the checklist, and the system will automatically take you to the corresponding mandatory field.

  3. Fill in all the required information in the field.

  4. Optional: To verify the correctness of your action, click the refresh button located in the CheckList panel next to the title Actions Completed. You can also perform a comprehensive check at the end by clicking CheckList again or validate notice in the panel.

  5. Proceed to click on the next action in the checklist to continue.

Once you have accurately filled in all the mandatory fields, "CheckList" will notify you that all actions have been completed. At this point, you can safely close the tab knowing that the form has been successfully filled out.



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