Contract templates
Adding and managing contract templates is done via the Organization settings environment of Source to contract.
Navigate via the Organization settings button and then at the Contract management module to the 'Contract templates' environment.
View template
Click on the 'Management' menu at the top right.
Click on the 'Settings' menu.
Click on the 'Contract Templates' tab.
Click on the template to open.
Create template
Open the 'Management' menu at the top right.
Click on the 'Settings' menu.
Click on the 'Contract Templates' tab.
Click on 'Add contract template' at the top right.
Enter at least a name for the template. Optionally, a label and description can be entered. Label can be used to group templates.
Complete the contract template and click 'Save' at the top right.
Define content template
A contract template can be constructed using various elements. In broad terms, a contract template consists of one or more tab elements. One or more contract fields can be included per tab. Characteristics can be given to the fields (e.g. default value). The available elements are described below, including the definition method and possible characteristics.
A contract template consists of one or more tabs containing fields.
Definition: [Tab]
Label: a label can be given to a tab via the statement 'label=....' (e.g. label=General or label=Financial)
If desired, a tab within a template can be provided with additional authorizations so that, for example, users with a certain role can only view a certain tab and not edit it. See the document 'Description of tab authorizations' within the help topic 'Supporting documents' for details about the capabilities of tab authorizations.
Meta fields are predefined contract fields to which functionality is linked. The following meta fields are available:
contractid (ID van contract)
cm_name (Name of contract)
cm_company (Contracting party with which the contract has been concluded)
cm_parent (Contract parent to which contract falls hierarchically)
Definitie: [Field] id=cm_name of id=cm_company etc.
Mandatory field: the statement 'mandatory=yes' can indicate that a field is mandatory.
Label: a label can be given to a field via the statement 'label=....' (e.g. label=contract name).
Default value: a default value can be given to a field via the statement 'default=....' (e.g. default=no).
Self-defined fields
Self-defined fields are the fields that have been added to your domain using the 'Self-defined fields' menu.
Definitie: [Field] id=000001 of id=009292
The other attributes (mandatory, label and default value) are defined in the same way as for a metafield.
The Text element allows you to include text as part of a template. This can be descriptive text or text in the form of headers to organize fields.
Definition: [Text]
text=(e.g. Attributes)
Formatting: formatting can be given to text via the statement 'style=comment' (text is displayed via standard formatting) or style=header (text is displayed as a header).
Attachment upload section
By defining an attachment upload section, the contract template includes the option to add documents to a contract.
Definition: [Attachment]
It is possible to include multiple upload sections per template. If this is the case, an attachment upload section must be provided with the attribute 'Area=...' (e.g. [Attachmentarea] Area=Other or [Attachmentarea] Area=Commercial).
Customize template
Click on 'Management' at the top right.
Click on the 'Settings' menu.
Click on the 'Contract Templates' tab.
Click on the contract template that needs to be changed.
Make the changes and click 'Save' at the top right.
Share template
Click on the 'Management' menu at the top right.
Click on the 'Settings' menu.
Click on the 'Contract Templates' tab.
Open the contract template.
Click 'Share' at the top right.
Select which people or groups the template will be shared with.
Users: share with one or more users.
Groups: share with one or more user groups.
Domain: share with all users throughout the organization.
Click 'Add' at the bottom left.
Remove template
Click on the 'Management' menu at the top right.
Click on the 'Settings' menu.
Click on the 'Contract Templates' tab.
Open the template to be deleted.
Click 'Delete' at the top right.