Automatic ID generation

Automatic ID generation

Adding and managing contract IDs is done via the Organization settings environment of Source to contract. Navigate via the Organization settings button and then at the Contract management module to the environment of 'self-defined fields'. 




This help topic provides background and concrete instructions for automatically generating contract IDs using number sequences. By linking a number series to the 'contract id' field, a contract ID is automatically generated when a contract is entered. This contract ID is often a consecutive number, possibly set up in a certain format. For example V2010-12399: 'V2010-' is format and '12399' is the consecutive number. If desired, multiple number series can be set up per domain. This is, for example, to be able to define a separate series per type of contract.

See the Number Sequences help topic for further details on defining number sequences.

The number series is linked to the contract ID using the contract template. The contract template determines the formatting of the number series and indicates whether the automatically generated contract ID can be overwritten. When entering a contract, the value 'AUTO' is initially shown. Upon storage, the contract ID will be generated in accordance with the applicable number series. If transfer of a contract ID is possible, a new number can also be generated in the event of a change by placing 'AUTO' in the ID field.




Application of number sequences

Follow the steps below to link a number sequence in a contract template to the 'contractid' field:


  1. Open the contract template in which the number series should be included.

  2. Click 'Edit' at the top right.

  3. To enable automatic ID generation, the template must contain an 'autonumber' section. This section looks like this: [autonumber]. The following properties can be given to a section. These properties determine the format of the contract ID and whether it is possible to modify an automatically generated ID.

  • id=[nr_9999999] = reference to the ID of the number sequence to use.

  • prefix= = text that is placed before the number.

  • suffix= = text that is placed after the number.

  • justify=[9] = the number of positions with which the number is justified (with justify=[5] a starting value of 1 is converted to 00001.

  • overwritable=[yes|no] = allows overwrite (own number) or not.

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