Settings for different browsers
Gets strange errors in my browser when I use TendSign?
For TendSign to work best with the different browsers Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Google Chrome, the following settings should be checked.
Internet Explorer Settings
In Internet Explorer's menu bar, select Tools - Internet Options.
The Internet Options window has tabs above, click on the tabs below to make the respective settings.
General tab
Locate Web History - Click Remove. You may also need to select Formulas and Password checkboxes, exit by clicking Remove.
Now click Settings to the right of Remove. Select radio page Each time the page is visited under the heading Check if there are later versions of stored pages. Finish with OK.
Security tab
Select the Trusted Places icon - click Places - Check the box Request server verification (https) for all locations in this zone.
Add the text: - click on add. - click on add. - click on add. - click on add. Exit with the Close button.
Privacy tab
Allow the use of cookies / cookies by clicking the Places button.
In the Site Address field, now type "", click Allow, repeat this but with the text "". Finish with OK.
Popup windows must not be blocked for TendSign.
Click Settings under the Popup Blocker heading.
Ensure that the * *, * and * addresses are added to the permitted sites. Exit with Close.
Advanced tab
Scroll down to the security area (marked with yellow padlock) - make sure that the Save Unscrambled pages on the disk are unchecked. Finish with OK.
Restart the browser and log in via
Firefox settings
Select in Firefox menu bar: Tools - Settings.
The Settings window has tabs above, click on the tabs below to make the respective settings.
Content tab
Popup windows must not be blocked for TendSign. Make sure that the *, * and * addresses are added to allowed sites by clicking the Exit button on the right of the Block popup box, and then add these addresses. Click permissions for each added address. Exit with Close.
Privacy tab
Choose to clear previous history. Time range to delete: All history. Select Details. Select Form and File Download History, Active Login.
Click Delete.
By default, Firefox allows cookies (cookies). If you are having trouble signing in, this will depend on the security settings that do not allow cookies. The computers with that setting will not be able to log in without setting up this web page as a so-called. undantag. Add TendSign as an exception to Firefox as follows:
Click the Privacy tab
If it says Use custom settings for the history, click Exceptions
Under Address to Website, type:, click on permissions. Do the same for, and
Exit with Close.
Norwegian users enter Danish users enter
Exit with Close.
Advanced tab
Select the subnetwork tab. Locate the Cached Web Content area, click Clear Now.
Restart the browser and log in via
Safari settings
In the Safaris menu bar, select: Edit - Settings.
The Settings window has tabs above, click on the tabs below to make the respective settings.
Privacy tab
Under the text Cookies and other data from websites, click the Details button - click it.
Enter the text "" in the text field with the magnifying glass icon to the right.
Finish Done, then close Settings.
Privacy tab
Popup windows must not be blocked for TendSign.
Ensure that the addresses,, and are added to authorized sites by allowing them for any warnings / requests from the browser.
Restart the browser and log in via
Google Chrome settings
Click the Customize tool icon and check Google Chrome to the right of the address bar. Select the Settings option. A new view is now opened with a menu bar on the left. Make sure the Selection settings are selected in the menu bar on the left.
At the bottom of the page there is the option View advanced settings - click on it.
Under the heading Privacy, see the Content Settings button - click it.
Under the Cookies heading, click the Manage Except button - click it
In the Hostname Pattern text field, each of the following terms must be written in and allowed by clicking OK. (only for users of Norwegian TendSign) (only for users of Danish TendSign)