Status statements

Status statements

The system displays different statuses in different situations. Below is an indication of which statuses may emerge, together with an explanation of what the status exactly means.

First, there is a difference in 'Status' and 'Compliance'. In the report functionality there is the option to choose these two columns. Status here means the current status, which concerns whether the statement has been submitted or not. Compliance is about what happens after the assessment of the statement. For example: How is the statement evaluated? Is this sufficient or not?



  • Evaluate: The evaluate status means that the statement has been submitted by the supplier and the purchasing organization must evaluate/assess this statement.

  • Deregistered: Deregistered means that the supplier has indicated that it cannot provide the statement.

  • Pending: The pending status means that the supplier has indicated that it is still in the process of obtaining and submitting the declaration. For this status, the supplier must also indicate an expected date when they will actually deliver the declaration.

If there is no status, it means that the supplier has not yet done anything with it.





  • Satisfactory: When the status 'satisfactory' is assigned, this means that the statement has been approved after the evaluation.

  • Not compliant: When the status 'Not compliant' has been assigned, this means that the statement has been rejected after the evaluation.

  • Expired: The expired status appears when the validity date of the statement has passed. The supplier will also automatically receive a reminder to upload a new declaration around this period, so that the supplier can upload a new declaration well before the validity date. If this does not happen, the expired status will eventually appear.

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