Manage tasks

Manage tasks

View task

  1. Open a contract and then click 'Tasks' in the left menu.

  2. Hover over a task and click Edit on the right. This opens the task in a new window.



Adjust task

  1. Hover your cursor over the task and click Edit on the right.

  2. Adjust the desired settings and click 'Save' at the bottom right.



Report task completed

  1. Hover your cursor over the task and click Edit on the right.

  2. Click on 'Report ready' at the bottom right.

  3. Enter an optional explanation and click 'Confirm'. The task is no longer visible after reporting completed.



Create task

  1. Within a contract, click on the left menu 'Tasks'.

  2. Click on 'New' at the top right.

  3. Enter the desired data in the contract task.

  4. Click 'Confirm'. The task is then shown in the list of open tasks.



Delete task

  1. Move the cursor over the task to be deleted.

  2. Click 'Edit' on the right.

  3. Click 'Delete' at the bottom right. The task is no longer visible after deletion.



View due tasks

  1. Click on the four lines at the top left to return to the overview.

  2. In the left menu under 'My', click on 'Due tasks'. This menu shows tasks that were completed late or tasks with a due date in the recent future.