Change contract information

Change contract information

Edit contract field

  1. Select a tab in the contract.

  2. Click 'Edit' at the top right.

  3. Adjust the desired contract field.

  4. Click 'Save' at the top right.




  1. Within the contract, click on the left menu 'Attachments'.

  2. Click on 'Upload' at the top right. This opens a new window.

  3. Click 'Add' and select a file.

  4. Optionally add a label to the attachment.

  5. Select the visibility of the document using the checkboxes.

  6. Click 'Confirm' to add the attachment.



Remove attachment

  1. Move the cursor over the name of the attachment.

  2.  Click 'Edit' at the bottom right.

  3. Click 'Delete'.

  4. Confirm the action by clicking 'Accept'.



Set date alarm

An alarm on a date field informs those involved when a certain date on a contract has been reached. The data subject will receive a standard notification within NegometrixPortal and optionally in his personal email. Setting a date alarm is done via the Organization settings environment of Negometrix4.
Navigate via the Organization settings button and then to the Contract management module.



  1. Open the contract where a date alarm needs to be set.

  2. Select the tab that contains the date field.

  3. Click on the 'alarm icon' to the right of the date.

  4. Enter a subject and a date on which the alarm should be set. Optionally, a comment can be entered and in the field 'Alarm notification to (e-mail address)' one or more e-mail addresses can be entered to which an e-mail notification of the alarm will be sent. If the alarm is not reported ready within one week, the email notification will be sent again. This repeats every week until the alarm is reported ready.

  5. Click 'Confirm'.



Delete date alarm

  1. Open the contract from which the date alarm should be removed.

  2. Select the tab that contains the date field.

  3. Click on the 'alarm icon' to the right of the date.

  4. Click 'Delete' on the screen.

  5. Confirm the deletion of the alarm.



Adjust contract visibility

  1.  Open the contract file by clicking on the name of the file.

  2. Click on 'Workgroup' at the top right and then on 'Add member'.

  3. Select a contact who you want to give access to the contract file.

  4. Then click 'Confirm' at the bottom right.

  5. Change the colleague's role by clicking on his name in the workgroup.

  6. Click on the 'Role' option and change the role within the workgroup.



Change contract template

  1. Open the contract whose template will be modified.

  2. Click 'Edit' at the top right and then 'Change template'.

  3. Select a template and click 'Confirm' at the bottom right.



Move contract

  1. Open the contract to be moved.

  2. Click 'Edit' at the top right.

  3. Select the file where the contract should be moved.

  4. Click 'Confirm' at the bottom right.