Organization is already registered

Organization is already registered

When creating a new organizational profile, it may happen that during registration when entering the Chamber of Commerce number, you receive a message that a profile already exists.

Request access to organization profile

Does this occur when entering the Chamber of Commerce number?

At the bottom of the registration sheet, navigate to the green Register and Request Access button. This sends a request for access to the organization profile directly to the organization administrator. You will receive a confirmation that your request has been sent. The administrator sees that a request has been received and can then log in, go to Colleague’s in the left-hand menu and click on your request to approve the request.

Organization manager no longer active

It may be that the colleague who manages the organizational profile is no longer active within the organization.

In this case, please send a request to our service desk containing the Chamber of Commerce number and e-mail address of the person who wishes to take over management. Also include the current administrator in the message in cc in the email, even if he or she is no longer active.

Send your request to support-nl@mercell.com


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