This article gives a short description of different problems and their solutions on the “Requirements” page in tenders in Mercell Source-to-Contract.
The Requirements page will become available for suppliers automatically when the tender is published, or invitations are sent. This is dependent on BPM setting. In the case of publications, it will only become automatically available when the setting at the top of the Publications page is set to open the tender to suppliers upon publication.
Basic requirements
In the “Basic” setup of the requirements, the only option is to Upload documents which the suppliers fill in offline and reupload.
If a tender uses Basic requirements, a Digital ESPD can still be set up in the ESPD-tool. Suppliers can fill out the ESPD in the tool.
Advanced requirements
A supplier can delete their answer to a question by clicking the three dots on the top right of the question: “Delete answer”.
Price quality-ratio
The price quality-ratio is shown at the top of the requirements page, it will not be filled in when:
No price question is created, or it hasn’t received weight.
No weighted questions have been created yet.
Choosing “Lowest price” or “Highest quality” in “Properties” will make the Price Quality-ratio invisible.