Communication and marketing
Informing customers about the upgrade process is a crucial part of the upgrade process. We currently aim on supporting a selection of communication options during the soft and hard upgrade
Soft upgrade phase
As we will aim on upgrading a couple customers we will not use formal materials to convince customers to upgrade. The customer success team will select customers that are willing to upgrade with keeping in mind that this is a learning process for both parties. It is advised to select customers that are willing, score high on NPS and have a proven record of acting as an early adopter.
Our goal is to gather testimonials and/or quotes from the upgraded customers (and suppliers participating in their tenders) that can be used during the hard upgrade phase.
Hard upgrade phase
During the hard upgrade phase customers of segments that meet the minimum requirements
will be informed about the upgrade. We currently offer the following options:
Select customers to be upgraded in a selected timeframe
This option can be used to upgrade a group of customers in a pre-selected timeframe.
Customers will be informed via a Soft upgrade letter about the upgrade in the selected timeframe. During this timeframe they can participate in a standard training for all selected customers. Their company accounts will have no customization. This option is suitable specifically for the basic user with no need for configuration or templates in the platform.
Select customer to be upgraded without interference
This option can be used to upgrade customer that are relatively small, have a low usage and a low risk of churn and are expected not to answer are call to upgrade.
Customers will be informed via a Hard upgrade letter indicating their account is being upgraded and can be user per date x. As of then all new tenders need to be started in MSTC, at the same time licenses will be deactivated in the current REP. Account on MSTC is configured with basic/standard templates. Customers are offered a webinar (training) to gain the necessary training, they can request the customer success team to provide tailor made templates (Additional cost will be applicable).
Invite selected customers to select a timeframe
With this option we allow customers to choose when to upgrade to the new platform. By offering them an option to choose we are able to upgrade customers in a controlled way.
Customers will receive a Hard upgrade letter indicating they will be upgraded with the call to action to browse to our specific upgrade webpage. This page will contain testimonials, Quotes, Brochures and a FAQ. On the Upgrade webpage (NL or DK) they will be able to select a specific month in which they want to upgrade. Data will be visible in HubSpot allowing the local team to process the application.
This option can be used to upgrade intermediate and advanced customers with the need for customization. Training and implementation will be done per customer. This option is not free of charge.