Questions and answers in Sourcing Core
  • Needs revision
  • Questions and answers in Sourcing Core

    Sourcing Core

    This article is only for Sourcing Core

    This is a brief guide on how to view, submit, respond to, and publish questions on a tender.

    Note: Before following this guide, you must have created and published a tender. You can find instructions for creating a tender, inviting suppliers, and publishing a tender in the links provided in the sidebar.

    To view supplier questions & provide answers:

    1. Click the questions and announcements card to go into the questions and announcements module

      step 1.png
    2. Select the ‘Actions’ button next to the question you wish to answer.

    3. You will be presented with a pop-up window where you can enter a response in the ‘Answer’ text box and save your changes. It is also possible to edit the question, especially in case a supplier has unintentionally revealed their identity. Reformulating the question helps ensure the supplier's anonymity and protects them from any potential disadvantage in the tender process.

    4. Go to the ‘Ready’ tab to view the question with your provided answer.

    5. Click the ‘Actions’ button for the question and answer and select ‘Publish’ from the drop-down menu.


    The question and answer is now published and can be viewed by clicking the ‘Published’ tab.
