Set up a tender in Sourcing Core
Sourcing Core
This article is only for Sourcing Core
This is a brief step-by-step guide to setting up a tender.
Note: This guide assumes you have created a tender, If you haven’t you can follow this guide
To set up an existing tender in the preparation stage.
Provide Tender information by pressing the ‘Tender information’ card. Fill out the Description and the Reference number, then Save the changes.
Go back to the tender homepage and click on the ‘Documents’ card.
Select whether bidders should provide the bid amount in the tender online and choose the currency for the bid amount.
Drag and drop files into the upload box with the dashed outline, or click ‘Upload’ to browse and select files from your computer.
By following this guide, you should now have a tender ready to invite suppliers and publish, allowing you to start receiving bids.
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