What is a CPV code and what does it stand for?
Every product or service that is procured has its own numerical code, known as a CPV code. This is the common terminology used in public procurement and has been adopted by the EU.
What is CPV code?
CPV stands for Common Procurement Vocabulary and consists of a catalog with over 9000 product and service codes. Therefore, CPV codes are often simplified referred to as the periodic table of the procurement world. All public procurements in the EU are published in TED (Tenders Electronic Daily), the web version of the supplement to the EU's official journal. Since TED includes both main and subcategories of goods and services, it can be complicated to find what one is looking for. Therefore, CPV codes are used as keywords in TED to more easily identify a specific product or service.
How is a CPV code is applied?
When a procurer drafts a tender document, they should specify the CPV code that best corresponds to the specific product or service. It is crucial to be as consistent and clear as possible to avoid the unnecessary risk of suppliers missing the opportunity to submit bids. If there is no exact code, a reference to a suitable main group, subgroup, or category that is as close as possible is made. If no reference is made, the Publication Office will assign a CPV code to the procurer before advertising.
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