Send an email
The "Send an email" function is available for both active and ended calls for tender. It allows you to send an email to everyone who viewed the procurement tender and submitted an offer, including offers in evaluation, awarded, and not-awarded suppliers for cancelled tenders. To use it, click "Send an email" on the desired published tender.
People who reviewed the notice
This view lists companies that have viewed the tender while logged in
Those who submitted the tender
This view lists companies that have sent an bid
Offers included in the comparison
This view lists companies that have participated in the offer comparison
Awarded suppliers
This view lists companies that have not been selected as suppliers
Not-awarded suppliers
This view lists the companies that have been selected as suppliers
Other recipients
Other email recipients can be added to the message
Email addresses are separated by newlines
Sender's name
The user enters the sender's name field
The name can be modified if desired
Sender's email
The system sends email messages from the address ''” path.
In this point, however, the email address to which the provider may respond can be defined
Message Heading
The automatic title is "Additional information for the announcement: IDENTIFIER / PROCUREMENT ANNOUNCEMENT NAME"
Editable if necessary
Write a message to suppliers
Message documents
You can add documents to the message under 'Add new attachment'
Show the message in Mercell Tendering
If you select this, the content of the message will be visible at the announcement in Mercell Tendering under "Questions and answers"
The ‘Send an email’ function sends a message
All sent messages are also displayed in the "Documents" section.
Show previously sent
Shows previously sent messages
All sent messages are also displayed on the " Documents " tab under "Questions/answers & messages" -> "Sent email package".