Question management
In the Tendering module, suppliers can ask questions to the procurement entity regarding the current tender. It is possible to submit questions until the deadline specified by the procuring entity in the tender notice.
Question management can be accessed from the -
Under this function you can Manage Questions and Answers at different stages.
Through Active tender functions
Click ‘Active’ option under tendering module.
Find the right competition in the "Active" folder
Now either option 3 or 4
Go to ‘Information page’ and scroll down to ‘Go to question management’
Go to "Additional information questions" tab.
Through Home page settings
Question management can also be accessed from the home page under "Settings" > "Question management" or via the request for tender information page.
Call for tenders are listed in the questions management view. The listing is organized so that call for tenders with unanswered come first.
Questions related to a particular tender can be viewed by selecting the tender.
Managing Questions and Answers
In question management, you will see 3 sections:
A lists will show all unanswered questions (pcs) that arrived at the time of processing the call for tender.
To Answer
Click ‘Answer’ to see the question and answer management view.
Add unanswered question to this question
If you want to add one or more unanswered questions-Select an unanswered question from the drop down list
Click ‘Attach selected questions’
The question can be edited
The answer to the question is entered in the field
A link can be added to the answer
An attachment can be added to the answer. The file size of the document must not exceed 50 MB, but the total number of attachments is not limited.
Show Recipients, shows recipients' email addresses
Other recipients
Enter in the field, separated by line breaks, the email addresses to which you want to send the answers; one email address per line. Answers are sent automatically to all those who read the request for quotation
Once the fields have been filled in, you have 3 choices -
You can save without being sent using the function. After saving, the question moves to the middle tab ‘In Progress’.
‘Revert to received’
Remove the answer and return any question/ bundled questions back to the inbox.
‘Save and publish’
An e-mail is sent to the e-mail address entered in the recipients field and to everyone familiar with the call for tender.
Bundle the selected into one question
You can bundle the questions you want into one question by selecting the desired questions and clicking "Bundle the selected questions to a single question".
Select the desired questions one by one or all questions with the "Select all" function
Click "Bundle the selected questions to a single question"
It opens a window similar to the one in the ‘Answer’ section. More detailed instructions for processing questions see in the section
In Progress
This view lists the questions received in the call for tender, the answers to which have already been started, but not yet sent.
The question opens in a window similar to the one in the "Answer" section. More detailed instructions for handling the questions can be found in the 'Answer' section.
Send replies to selected
With the function, you can send several replies to acquaintances in one e-mail.
Select the desired questions one by one or all questions with the "Select all" function
Enter the e-mail addresses to which you want to send the answers, separated by line breaks. Answers are sent automatically to all those who read the request for quotation
With the "Show recipients" function, you can see an exact list of those who read the request for quotation
With the "Edit" function, you can still edit the answer before sending
When the answers are ready, send the answers by clicking “Send the selected answers as one as email"
Create new question/answer
A new question/answer is created in the "In Progress" section. Creating a new question is subject to the same functions as unfinished questions. See detailed instructions for creating a new question in the "Answer" section.
Answered questions tab lists questions that have been answered. Answered questions have the same functions as unfinished questions. See detailed instructions for managing answered questions in the section 'In Progress'.