Qualification Criteria

Qualification Criteria


This article only applies to Sourcing

Qualification criteria include requirements or other questions related to the supplier or the response. The information specified in the section automatically creates a form page on the Supplier Portal under the "Qualification criteria" tab, where the bidder answers the specified questions.


Introductory information

You can choose an introduction from pre-saved texts for the qualification criteria or by entering the introduction in the text field.

  • Note: If you want to save this as a pre-saved text, check the box marked ‘Save’ and enter a name for the text. Once you click save on the overall tab, this text will be saved a pre-saved text for future use.


Add Qualification criteria

Create a new qualification criteria by writing the requirement in the "new requirement" field  


Qualification Criteria.png

Select the type of requirement by clicking the dropdown menu ‘Select type’. You can select one of the following types of requirements:


QC - Select Type.png


  • Numerical  

    • The bidder must enter numerical information

    • Minimum and/or maximum values ​​can be defined  

    • The number of decimal places in the value entered by the bidder can be limited

    • This can be made mandatory to respond to by checking the box labelled "Entry is required"


QC - Numerical.png

  • For Your Information

    • Text for the information of the bidder, no reply is required in this option

QC - FYI.png
  • Uploadable

    • The bidder must upload the file

    • This can be made mandatory by checking the box labelled “Uploading is required"

QC Uploadable.png
  • Text

    • The bidder can enter free text

    • A maximum length for the answer can be defined in characters (eg. X characters)

    • The bidder’s answer can be defined as:

      • single line

      • multi-line

    • This can be made mandatory to respond to by checking the box labelled "Entry is required”

  • Menu

    • This is a drop-down menu from which the bidder can choose the option he wants

    • Name the menu by entering text in the field

    • Define the restrictions for the menu by clicking on “Menu definition”. The options for the restrictions are:

      • Selection not restricted

        • There is no limitation in the choice of options for the bidder. They can choose as many options as they want

      • Choose not more than one

        • The bidder can choose one option or leave the question unanswered

      • Choose at least one

        • Thebidder must choose one or more options (the question is then mandatory)

      • Choose one

        • The bidder must choose only one option (the question is then mandatory)

    • Enter the items for the menu in the fields labelled “New selection row”. Click enter to add a new selection row.


QC - Menu.png

  • Yes/No

    • The bidder answers yes or no

    • The question can be defined as “Optional” or “Selection is required”

      • A yes or no answer can be defined as mandatory 

    • Conditional criteria can be assigned for the criterion

      • If the box marked "Yes" option involves additional criteria" is selected, a new question can be defined for the bidder if they answer "Yes" to the original question

      • If the box marked " "No" option involves additional criteria" is selected, a new question can be defined for the bidder if they answer “No” to the original question

QC - YesNo.png


  • Record

    • Prepare the desired battery of questions, which the bidder must answer x times (e.g. references)

      • Create the questions/criteria under "Record criteria"

    • It is possible to define the minimum and/or maximum number of answers the bidder must or can submit

      • The question is optional if the values ​​are left undefined

QC - Record.png
  • Subheading

    • Subheadings structure and clarify requirements. This qualification criterion requires no response from the bidder

QC - Subheading.png

Edit qualification criteria

  • Deleted selected requirements together

    • Select the criteria you want to remove by checking the empty box next to each line

    • Click the red delete button at the top of the box

  • Export the selected criteria as a group

    • Select the criteria you want to save as a group in the criteria library (See criteria library instructions  here )

    • Click on the export cloud button at the top of the box (located to the right of the delete button)

  • The criteria library can be accessed from the book icon

    • From the criteria library, you can import a ready-made group of qualification criteria for the sourcing in question

QC - Gneral Functions.png


Edit individual requirements

  • The criterion can be removed from the red cross icon

  • The order of the suitability requirements can be edited by grabbing the desired criterion and dragging (drag and drop) it to the desired place.  

QC Individual - Delete and move.png


Criteria Functions

  • The functions menu to the right of each criterion allows for the editing of each individial criterion

  • “Close criterion”

    • Hides the qualification criterion details (only shows the qualification criterion title)

    • To edit an qualification criterion again, you must first open it from the icon “Open all requirements”

QC Individual - Criteria Functions.png
  • “Move or copy a criterion”

    • You can move the qualification criterion to another location or copy it

    • You can then select "New requirement" and the requirement in question will be copied as a new requirement 

    • If you are moving a criterion of a Yes/no type, then a list of which functions can be used to move or copy criteria requirements opens in a pop-up window

      • Move or copy the requirement as a conditional criterion of the Yes/No criterion

        • Add to the "Yes" option

        • Add to the "No" option


Preview qualification criteria

Click on the eye icon at the top right hand corner to open a preview of the suitability requirements in a new window


QC - Preview.png