Qualification criteria (Basic RFx)

Qualification criteria (Basic RFx)


This article is only for Sourcing

In the Qualification criteria tab, it is possible to define the qualification criteria that tenderers should answer. The types of qualification can be defined as yes/no, text and upload criteria.


Requested attachments

  • Click "Add new"

  • Enter the name of the attachment in the text field that opens

    • The attachment can be defined as mandatory by checking the box marked"mandatory". In this case, in order to leave a response, the bidder must attach the relevant attachment

  • The defined attachment can be deleted by pressing the cross key

  • If several attachments have been defined, their order can be changed by dragging them from the arrow to the right of each cross key


Qualification Criteria -request attachments.png

Additional information on the attachments

Additional information related to attachments can be defined in the text field.

Additional information can also be selected from pre-saved texts.

The finished text can be saved as a pre-recorded text by checking the box marked "Save". In this case, enter a name for the the text in the field marked as "Enter name of pre-saved text”.

Once you have saved the entire form, the the text can be found in the pre-saved text drop-down menu.


Qualification criteria

It is possible to add general criteria related to the sourcing event. 

  • A general criterion is added by pressing the "Add criterion" button 

    • The name of the criterion is written in the text field

      • If yes/no is selected as the type of critera, tenderers can choose either of the two options

      • If text is selected as the type of criteria, tenderers can enter text in the field in the Supplier Portal

      • If desired, the tenderer can be forced to respond in relation to a certain criterion by checking the "Yes required" or"Mandatory" boxes, depending on the type of criteria that has been requested

    • The criterion can be deleted by pressing the cross key

    • If several criteria have been defined, their order can be changed by dragging them by clicking the arrow to the right of the cross mark


qualification critieria .png