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Criteria for the object of acquisition

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In the sourcing items and criteria section, the tenderer's form for procurement objects and related criteria is defined.

At the same time, this section prepares the basis for comparing the answers, i.e. points/weight values ​​and their calculation methods. (see  scoring the criteria ).

These will also appear on the comparison table (see  Viewing the comparison table ).  


The desired number of necessary criteria is defined for each procurement target or group/subarea.

The criteria can be:

  • Requested information

  • Requirements to be placed on the object

  • Factors influencing the selection criteria

  • Matters to be notified

Points/weight values ​​can be defined for the criteria. See more detailed information on scoring criteria in the article  Scoring criteria  and  scoring price and quality .


Create criteria

Before creating the criteria, establish a group/section and define the targets (see article creation of sourcing items and criteria). 

Criteria can be created for one specific acquisition target, for all targets in a group/sub-region at once, or for the group/sub-region in general. 


Target criteria

  • The criterion is asked whether for the object with the bidder's question form

  • Enter the name of the criterion in the field "New object criterion"

  • Choose a type (the types are described next in this instruction)

Criteria that apply to all objects in the group

  • The criterion is asked for each item in the group/subarea ( NOTE! these criteria cannot be scored

  • Enter the name of the criterion in the field "New criterion for all objects in the group"

  • Choose a type (the types are described next in this instruction)

The group's general criteria

  • The criterion applies to the entire target group in general and, after being asked on the bidder's form, to the last of the group/sub-area

  • Enter the name of the criterion in the field "New general criterion"

  • Choose a type (the types are described next in this instruction)


PHOTO: In the group "Tractors for teaching use" there is one item "Loader tractor for teaching use". Criteria can be set for this in the object's criteria section. If another object is added to the group, the "criteria for all objects in the group" section can be used to advantage. The points from which a new criterion is created are highlighted in blue. 


Criteria types


The criteria type defines what kind of information the provider can enter. when filling out the electronic answer form.


Mandatory requirements can be set for the criteria, in which case the provider is forced to enter information or respond in a certain way in order to meet the minimum requirements set for the request.


Select the type of criterion

  • Numerical  

    • The provider enters numerical information

    • We select the end of the field, i.e. the unit

    • Minimum and/or maximum values ​​can be defined  

    • Can be made mandatory under "input required"

    • The number of decimal places in the value entered by the bidder can be limited

FIGURE: Layout of the numerical criterion. In the example, the first criterion is an empty numerical criterion, and below is an example of a criterion where the Load Tractor is asked to fill in the size of the tires. Tire size must be a minimum of 26.5".


  • FYI

    • Text for the information of the bidder, no reply is requested

  • Rechargeable

    • The provider downloads the file

    • Can be made mandatory under "download required"

  • Text

    • The provider enters free text

    • Possibility to make it mandatory under "input required"

    • You can define a maximum length for the answer (X characters)

    • It can be defined whether the bidder's answer can be 

      • single line

      • multi-line

      • or single or multi-line


IMAGE: Text criterion layout. In the example, the first criterion is an empty text-type criterion, and below it is an example of a criterion in which the Load Tractor is asked to fill in the width of the tires. The number of characters in the answer is limited to 20 characters and the question is mandatory.

  • Menu

    • A drop-down menu from which the supplier can choose the option he wants

    • Restrictions can be drawn up for the selection of the provider: 

      • There is no limitation in the choice

        • the bidder can choose as many options as he wants or leave the question unanswered

      • Choose at most one

        • the bidder can choose one option or leave the question unanswered

      • At least one must be selected

        • the bidder must choose one or more options (the question is then mandatory)

      • Choose one

        • the bidder must choose one option (the question is then mandatory)

    • Add a menu option by typing the selection in the "new selection line" icon

FIGURE: Menu criteria layout. In the example, the Load tractor is asked for Lubrication options. There are three options, one of which must be chosen. 

  • Yes/No

    • The provider answers yes or no

    • The question can be mandatory or optional

    • A yes or no answer can be defined as mandatory

    • Conditional criteria can be drawn up for the criterion

      • With the selection "Contains "Yes" conditional criteria" a new question can be defined for the bidder if he answers "Yes" to the original question

      • With the option "Contains "No" conditional criteria" a new question can be defined for the bidder if he answers the original question "No"

FIGURE: Layout of the Yes/No criterion. In the example, the first criterion is an empty yes/no-type criterion, and below it is an example of a criterion requiring that the loader has a production and working time monitoring system ("yes" required). When the bidder answers yes, the question "Download the system brochure" opens for him, to which he must upload an attachment. 


  • The record

    • Prepare the desired battery of questions, which the bidder must answer x times (e.g. references)

      • Create the questions/criteria under "Record criteria"

    • It is possible to define the minimum and/or maximum number of times the bidder must answer the battery of questions

      • The question is optional if the values ​​are left undefined

    • The tenderer can add a new set of questions in the tender service under "Add answer line>>"

FIGURE: Layout of the record criterion. In the example, the first criterion is an empty record type criterion, and below it is an example of a criterion where the Loader is asked to fill in the maintenance history information. The bidder must answer at least once, but he can give a maximum of three answers. For each answer, he must fill in the year of service and write the service performed. 


  • Subheading

    • Subheadings that structure and clarify requirements


NOTE! You can preview the procurement object's criteria from the provider's point of view from the eye icon in the upper corner.


Sorting and deleting criteria

  • The order of the criteria can be modified by dragging the criterion to the right place (Drag&Drop)

    • NOTE the order of the criteria can be modified by just dragging 

  • Remove a single criterion from the red box

  • From the Functions menu you can

    • close the criterion, which reduces the criterion to one line

    • move or copy a criterion to general, to all objects or under a specific criterion (see general  instructions for moving and copying criteria and objects here )

    • add additional information to the criterion

      • This will appear behind the question mark. for the criterion to the Tender service

IMAGE: The Functions button opens up more options for editing the criterion. 

  • Delete criteria in bulk

    • select a criterion by placing a dot in the box at the end of the criterion 

    • select the trash can at the top of the group "Delete the selected items and criteria of the group"

    • see article criteria library


Common criteria


When preparing the request, common criteria can also be set for the procurement targets. These are criteria related to procurement in general and do not apply to individual products or services. 

  • The general criteria are set according to the same principle as the criteria that apply directly to the procurement targets

  • No labels