Intro:This is a brief step-by-step guide to creating an ESPD
Note: It is a prerequisite to have an existing tender, in which you can create the ESPD, in order to follow this guide.
Instructions: To creating an ESPD
Press the “Documents card to go to the tender documents.
Press the “Create ESPD” button to create an ESPD
Provide Procedure type and optionally a file reference number.
Expand the accordion, by pressing the arrow, in order to be able to individually select which exclusion grounds are applicable to have answered by the tenderer.
Or select all in a given section by checking the given section checkbox.
Expand the accordion, by pressing the arrow, in order to choose which selection criteria tenderers need to provide information about.
Press save to save the ESPD as part of the tender documents.
Outcome: You should now be able to see your ESPD in the tender documents